Local legislator’s bill signed into law

The “Student Religious Liberties Act” legislation sponsored by State Rep. Mack Butler (R-Rainbow City) became law on May 7 as Gov. Robert Bentley affixed his signature to the measure in a signing ceremony that coincided with the National Day of Payer.
The bill was part of the House Republican Caucus’s “Alabama First” legislative agenda that GOP lawmakers announced
Williams named GRMC’s patient choice award winner

Natasha Williams, a registered nurse in orthopedics at Gadsden Regional Medical Center, has been named the 2015 Patient Choice Award winner.
Williams received the honor on May 6, at GRMC.
May 6 was also National Nurses Day, when nurses across the country are recognized for their tireless commitment to the profession.
Williams was selected from a field of more
Republicans are trading in job slogans for taxes

After five years of passing millions of dollars in tax cuts for big businesses and billion-dollar, out-of-state corporations that, in some cases, pay zero state income taxes, Republicans in the state House of Representatives are about to raise taxes on working men and women.
Only six months after campaigning on a pledge to create more jobs and never raise
Hunting for gold in Southside in the 1890’s

There have been many efforts to mine gold in Eto-wah and adjoining counties, mostly with small profit, although in some instances a few nuggets of real gold were found. There have been several stories about Indians pointing out where gold could be found and about the various kinds of mining carried on by white men who believed the Indian
Legal notices for the week of May 15 – May 21, 2015

Default having been made in the terms of that certain Mortgage, executed on the 01/29/2007, by JOHNNY SMITH, AN UNMARRIED MAN, as Mortgagor, to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR FIRST FEDERAL BANK as Mortgagee, which said Mortgage is recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Etowah
Classifieds for the week of May 15 – May 21, 2015

HISTORICAL LANDMARK Auction May 2, noon, at 395 Gunter Avenue., Guntersville, AL. Open house April 26th. 1:00-4:00. Steve Carver AL #1912, REMAX Auction Group, 1-256-571-6775.
SEALED BID Timberland Auction – 21 timber, hunting and recreation tracts – totaling 1,727+/- acres, range from 33+/- to 369+/- acres, located in Madison and Jackson Counties in