Etowah, Ashville gridders named to All-Region team

Messenger file photo by Chris McCarthy By Chris McCarthy, Publisher/Editor Several area players were recently named to the Class 4A All-Region 6 football team for the 2020 season. Region champion and state semifinalist Etowah had eight players make the first team, including Region Player of the Year Trent Davis (pictured above), who rushed for 1,813 rushing […]
Pondering life with Pious Bob – Another chance, another opportunity

By Robert Halsey Pine “This is the covenant that I will make with the House of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall not teach one […]
God’s Word revealed for us – Who rejects Christmas?

By John Larkins God promised the Jews a Savior, indicating that although Moses gave them a structured organization for learning about and worshipping the one true God, this was not yet a path to salvation. We see that after trying eternal life with God, Adam and Eve spoiled salvation by sin. From that point on, […]
From God’s Word – God does the impossible
By Toni Ford The Gospel of Luke is the third gospel in the Bible and written by Luke himself, also known as the “beloved physician.” Since Luke was a trained physician, it comes as no surprise that he begins his book with detailed accounts of the births of two important babies, John the Baptist and […]
Keep Smiling with Rosie Preston – The spirit of Santa Claus

By Rosie Preston Many years ago, when my grown children were still young, Santa always paid a visit to our home on Christmas Eve. Now that I’ve gotten older, the last few years of Christmases have dwindled down to include only a few family members. The large family gathering and the feast my family prepared […]
Santa’s Whiskers, Christmas Morning Coffee Cake and Chocolate Rice Krispie Balls

By Andy Bedwell It’s holiday baking season! Baking in my kitchen has always been such a significant part of my holiday season. I love the smell of fresh cookies cooling on a rack or seeing the steam escape from a pie just out of the oven. But most of all, I love discussing recipes which […]
Packages, I get packages

By Vicki Scott It is beginning to look like a COVID Christmas. Shopping has been minimal. If I did not make a gift, I ordered it online. I’ve become quite accustomed to the package delivery protocol of every place that delivers packages to me. If he does not see me running toward him when he […]
Pilgrim’s Pride representative responds to Etowah County residents’ concerns

Protesters gather at Gadsden City Hall on Dec. 8 to voice their opposition to a proposed rendering plant. Photo by Dustin Watkins.Visit for more photos. By Katie Bohannon, News Editor While opposition towards the proposed Gadsden rendering plant brews, Pilgrim’s Pride is addressing the community’s concerns. Head of corporate affairs and sustainability for Pilgrim’s Pride and […]
RBC Council opposes rendering plant, Mayor addresses concerns to Gadsden City Council

By Chris McCarthy, Publisher/Editor and Katie Bohannon, News Editor Earlier this week, the City of Rainbow City took an official stance with regard to a hot-button local issue. During a meeting last Monday (Dec. 14), the Rainbow City Council unanimously passed a resolution stating its opposition to a proposed rendering plant to be located in Gadsden on the […]