Ford announces candidacy for Mayor of Gadsden

Messenger file photo Local businessman and former state representative, Craig Ford announced earlier this week that he filed the paperwork and officially became a candidate for Mayor of Gadsden. “Gadsden is a special community with the potential to achieve great things,” said Ford, pictured at right. “I grew up here, and this city has always […]
Airport runway expansion announced

Photo courtesy of Northeast Alabama Regional Airport At its regular monthly meeting, the Gadsden Airport Authority, along with the Alabama National Guard, announced its intention to expand and strengthen the runway at the Northeast Alabama Regional Airport to a length of 11,000 feet. The expansion will allow the national guard to significantly expand its presence […]
United Way Day of Action a success

Photo: United Way of Etowah County Day of Action volunteers gather for a photo after repairing and cleaning a storage shed on Friday, June 17. (Courtesy of The Chamber) United Way of Etowah County Day of Action volunteers gather for a photo after repairing and cleaning a storage shed on Friday, June 17. The United […]
Record turnout expected for Gadsden High reunions

Photo: Golden Tiger committee members hammer out details for the upcoming reunion for Gadsden High School classes of 1970, 1971 and 1972. (Robb Corker/Messenger) By Robb Corker/Staff Correspondent Members of Gadsden High School’s classes of 1970, ’71 and ‘72 will collectively celebrate their 50th class reunion on August 6 at The Venue at Coosa Landing. […]
Local chamber of commerce recognized

Photo courtesy of The Chamber The U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently awarded the Chamber of Gadsden and Etowah County with its designation of Accredited with 3 Stars for sound policies, effective organizational procedures and positive impact on the community. “This is a great achievement for the Chamber of Gadsden and Etowah County,” said Etowah Chamber […]
Casting on the Coosa – No injured reserved list for The Surgeon

By Marty Dixon/Staff Correspondent It’s been a slow week for fishing. I did manage a few bites during the two-hour time frame I managed to get out between rehab and grandkids. I landed a few fish, including a pretty good one on a jig around some grass and rock. By the way, it’s still hot […]
Ashville’s Drinkard, Westbrook’s Henry highlight All-Messenger track and field teams

Messenger file photo by Chris McCarthy By Chris McCarthy, Publisher/Editor Carl Henry and Emma Drinkard didn’t just perform under pressure this past track and field season. They thrived in the spotlight. Henry, a Westbrook Christian senior, and Drinkard, an Ashville High junior, earned MVP honors on 2022 All-Messenger track and field teams. Henry set a […]
Legals for 6/24/2022 – 6/30/2022
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE STATE OF Alabama COUNTY OF ETOWAH Default having been made of the terms of the loan documents secured by that certain mortgage executed by Gilbert Hardy And Wife, Jessie Mae Hardy to The Mortgage Outlet, Inc. dated June 3, 2002; said mortgage being recorded in the Office of the Judge […]