Theatre of Gadsden to show ‘Looking for a City’

Photo: From left, Music Director Chris Cash, Alan Gentry, Bart Gunter and Greg LaFollette sing together. (Joel Price, Theatre of Gadsden) By Haley Rodgers, Theatre of Gadsden Theatre of Gadsden once again welcomes “Looking for a City,” the show that brings in crowds from miles around to congregate at the Historic Ritz Theatre in downtown […]
Gadsden Fire Department announces career-tech program

Photo courtesy of the City of Gadsden The City of Gadsden Fire Department is partnering with Gadsden City High School and the Etowah County School System to provide a new Career and Technical Education program for seniors, beginning next year with the class of 2024. The Emergency and Fire Management Services program is aimed at […]
Legals for 4/28/2023 – 5/04/2023
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF ETOWAH Default having been made of the terms of the loan documents secured by that certain mortgage executed by Mark Alan Stanfield And Spouse Karen Stanfield to Compass Bank dated July 25, 2008; said mortgage being recorded on August 22, 2008, as Instrument No. 3299973 […]
State bill bad news for citizens, local newspapers

Public notices serve a crucial function in keeping residents and taxpayers informed about the activities of governments. These government notices let citizens know about impending actions that can affect their lives, property and community. You’ve seen and benefitted from these public notices, which include reminders of upcoming meetings and hearings, proposed zoning and land-use changes, […]