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Local legislative delegation reacts to governor’s aide scandal

 By Sarrah Peters

News Editor

Last week recordings surfaced of Governor Robert Bentley talking in a sexual manner to his top political advisor Rebekah Mason on the telephone. The recordings, leaked on, allow listeners to hear only Bentley’s side of the conversation. Even one-sided Bentley’s comments are obviously sexual in nature with inappropriate remarks.

The recordings seem to confirm the

Noccalula to host Smoke on the Falls

By Sarrah Peters

News Editor

Noccalula Falls will host its 8th Annual Smoke on the Falls barbeque competition on April 8 and 9. The barbecue competition is sanctioned by the Kansas Barbeque Society. 

Admission will be free on Friday, April 8. Gates will be open from 4 to 9 p.m. Food and art and craft vendors will be available. Attendees can

Librarians and authors head to Gadsden for statewide convention

By Sarrah Peters

News Editor

Alabama librarians and authors will be headed to Gadsden for the Alabama Library Association 2016 Annual Convention on April 12 through 15.

This year’s theme is “Libraries: ImPOSSIBLE,” to showcase how libraries can achieve the impossible.

The convention will start with showcasing the Hometown Teams exhibit currently on display in the Gadsden Public Library. 

On Tuesday,

Craig Ford – Bentley’s actions costing Alabama jobs, jobs, jobs

  Since Gov. Robert Bentley’s relationship with Rebekah Mason became public last week, there have been calls for him to resign. Those calls have not come just because of his relationship with Rebekah Mason. Gov. Bentley isn’t the first person in Montgomery to do what he did and probably won’t be the last.

The reason Gov. Bentley should resign is

Pious Bob – Working on the Railroad

The world is full of leaders in all aspects of life. In reading the Gospel according to Matthew, we hear just what our Lord’s explanation of leadership is:  “…but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave; just as the Son of Man came

The Vagabond – 109 Years Ago Unveiling of the Emma Sansom Statue

 The Emma Sansom statue on Broad Street in Gadsden was dedicated back in 2007, and many locals celebrated the unveiling. 

This week The Vagabond once again has his nose stuck in the old history book. Sometime way back, Patsy Hanvey of Turkeytown and the late Hazel Oliver bought the dedication to my attention.

On July 4, 1907, a local

Classified for the week of April 1-April 8, 2016


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MEDICAL BILLING trainees needed! Become a Medical Office Assistant! No experience needed! Online training

Legal notices for the week of April 1-April 8, 2016




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness
secured by that certain mortgage executed by Robert G. Hamilton and Helen L.
Hamilton, husband and wife, originally in favor of U.S. Financial Mortgage
Corp., on the