Students hypnotized at conference

By Sarrah Peters, News Editor CED Mental Health hosted a Youth Prevention Conference at Gadsden City High School on March 14. Students in ninth and tenth grades were bussed to GCHS from surrounding Etowah County schools. At the conference, motivational speaker and hypnotist Patrick Grady of Wahoo, Fla. spoke to the students. The theme for the […]
Gadsden State holds International Festival

By Sarrah Peters, News Editor Gadsden State held its annual International Festival on Friday, March 9 at 210 on the Tracks. To celebrate the GSCC international program’s 50th anniversary, the festi-val was larger than ever. As attendees entered the festival, a timeline detailed the GSCC international pro-gram’s 50-year history. The international pro-gam’s students manned booths, that […]
State Rep. Ford’s bill passes state house

The Alabama House of Representatives earlier this week passed legislation introduced by Rep. Craig Ford (I-Gadsden) that would establish a more simplified, free and consolidated process for non-profit entities to apply for a special events license. “Under current law, it can take up to six months for a charitable organization such as the American Heart […]
Southern Cooking with Andy Bedwell

Butter Meltaways and Southern Praline Cookies I just have to tell y’all what a blast that we had at Cottontail’s Village last weekend. The crowd was fantastic and it was so thrilling to talk to men and women who enjoy cooking as I do. A lady from Jasper bought seven cookbooks and insisted that I make […]
Food for Thought…

By David Williams Report cards recently were given to Alabama public schools regarding each school’s performance. Many of the scores caused concern among the vested interest groups. Myself and other educators must sit back and listen to the armchair quarterbacks tell us who should be fired and why. I marvel that how someone, without thoroughly […]
Pious Bob – Wall-to-Wall Community

By Robert Halsey Pine “And I said to the nobles, the officials, and the rest of the people, ‘The work is great and widely spread out, and we are separated far from one another on the wall. Rally to us wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet. Our God will fight for us.” (Nehemiah 4:1-23 […]
Inspiration from God’s Word – What voice do you recognize?

By Toni Ford Each year in December, I begin to pray about the upcoming year. I ask the Lord to show me a vision, focus or a word that He wants me to pursue for the coming year. This year, the Lord did not give me a vision or a subject area to focus on, […]
Legals for the week of March 16 – March 23, 2018
MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE STATE OF ALABAMA, COUNTY OF ETOWAH Default having been made in the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Megan Green A Single Woman to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Family Savings Credit Union, its successors and assigns dated June 6, 2014; said mortgage being recorded as […]
Classifieds for the week of March 16 – March 23, 2018
SERVICES DIRECTV. CALL & Switch Now -Get NFL Sunday Ticket for Free! Every Game. Every Sunday. Choice-All-Included Package. Over 185 Channels. $60/month (for 12 Months.) CALL 1-855-717-6961 DISH NETWORK 190+ Channels. Free Install. Free Hopper HD-DVR. $49.99/month (24 months) Add High Speed Internet-$14.95 (where available) Call Today & Save 25%! 1-866-815-7913 EARTHLINK High Speed Internet. […]