Applications are now being accepted for absentee ballots for the primary election on June 3, Absentee Election Manger Cassandra Johnson said.
Applications must be filed in the office of the Absentee Election Manager/Circuit Clerk not less than five days prior to the election. The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. Thursday, May 29. You may vote medical or business emergency, if you qualify, on Friday, May 30, and Monday June 2.
Johnson said to apply to vote absentee because of a business emergency, the application requires that you sign an affidavit stating you were not aware until after the May 29 deadline that you had to go out of town on business.
Any qualified elector of this State may vote an Absentee ballot, provided they meet the requirements (17-10-1 et seq., Code of Alabama), as contained in the application. Applications are available in the office of the Absentee Election Manager/Circuit Clerk, located in the Etowah County Judicial Building, Absentee Election Office, 801 Forrest Ave., Suite 202, Gadsden, AL. Applications are also available for download at the Secretary of State website VotingInfo.aspx or
IF YOU ARE A REGISTERED VOTER IN ETOWAH COUNTY, you may vote absentee if you meet one of the following criteria and can make a sworn affidavit as to the reason:
• ANY PHYSICAL ILLNESS OR INFIRMITY that prevents attendance at the polls.
• WORKS A SHIFT WHICH HAS AT LEAST TEN (10) HOURS that coincide with the hours the polls are open.
• ENROLLED AS A STUDENT at an educational institution located outside the county of permanent residence.
• APPOINTED AS AN ELECTION OFFICER at a polling place which is not their regular polling place.
• A MEMBER OF, OR A SPOUSE OR DEPENDENT OF A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES of the United States, a citizen living abroad, or any other applicant qualified to vote absentee pursuant to the Federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act.
Any person desiring to vote Absentee may come to the Circuit Clerk’s Office located in the Etowah County Judicial Building, Absentee Voting Division at 801 Forrest Avenue, Suite 202 Gadsden, AL.
We will be open Monday thru Friday – 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or you can mail your application for Absentee Ballot to Cassandra Johnson, Absentee Election Manager – 801 Forrest Avenue Suite 202, Gadsden, AL 35901. (NOTE: Only one application per envelope will be accepted)
If you have any questions about absentee voting or need further information, you may call Circuit Clerk/Absentee Election Manager, Cassandra Johnson – Circuit Clerk’s Office at (256) 549-5355. Last day to register to vote or update your voting status is 10 days prior to Election Day, for information concerning your voter registration and/or updates, please contact the Etowah County Board of Registrars at (256) 549-5384.