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Adventures at the Senior Center – Projects work…on my nerves!

By Vicki Scott

My darling little granddaughter, Saylor Rhea, turned two years old on the 11th of this month. My daughter loves any chance for a social gathering, and it looks like Saylor Rhea is being groomed to be just like her mother. Of course, what better way to celebrate one’s birth than with a social gathering? It’s a big deal here at George Wallace Senior Center too, as we enjoy cake and ice cream with our “family” fellowship.

Every year our center celebrates the birth of Christ with a luncheon that I have missed because my family’s celebrations of the birth of Saylor Rhea. This year my daughter was in decision mode as to which weekend the festivities were going to take place, and I asked her not to have it on the weekend of our luncheon. She asked which weekend her dad was going to be able to come, and as luck would have it, it was the weekend after the luncheon. With that information, the party was planned accordingly since her dad would be able to come. I know where I stand with this “daddy’s girl,” but I’m okay with it, because I picked her daddy, too!

With the excitement of being able to go to both events, I decided to work on a special project as a birthday present for my “Say Baby.” I had something for her but I thought this project would have more meaning. I wanted to put together a photo album that she could look at, play with and enjoy. I planned to use thick, cardstock paper and put photos on each one using double-sided tape. Saylor loves Minnie Mouse, so I found some stickers to decorate around the photos. When finished I was going to laminate each page and somehow reinforce the corners, then put holes on the left side for it to be put into a Minnie Mouse decorated notebook. It sounded like a good idea at the time, but as it progressed, not so much.

From the very beginning, this project was at a standstill. Every time I went to the store, I forgot to get double-sided tape. My dear husband finally went to the store to buy me some so I would stop talking about it and get started. The decorating was easy after that, but when I took album to get laminated the photos melted on the front and back of the first page, so I had to stop!

With determination, I went to Wal-Mart to re-print the melted photos. While I was there, the people next to me kept asking me for help, which I gladly provided because I love to feel smart.  I had to be fast, because a frustrated guy was behind me was waiting to use the kiosk I was using.  I hurried and finished, apologized to the guy behind me, stood in line at the photo counter for a receipt and then left to search for some self-stick lamination sheets.

After finding the sheets, I picked the one that had 10 sheets, which I thought would be more than enough to finish the job. After standing in the checkout line again – you know, the one at the garden center, thinking I would make a quick getaway – I realized that quick was not anywhere in my plans. The lady in front of me must have been moving to a new place, because she had everything but the kitchen’s sink in her buggy.

When it finally became my turn, the cashier ran outside to “check on a co-worker.” It looked like the co-worker came in before he did but I digress. I was too excited that I was checking out. After checking out I headed for home to fix what was broken.

Upon opening the laminating sheets, I found that they were one-sided, and my six sheets of photo arrangements are double sided. It looked like it was back to Wal-Mart! I guess I needed extra, anyway, because self-stick will stick to anything, and when it sticks, it stays! Surprisingly, I only messed up one page with this endeavor!

The back of one of my photo pages was blank, and I had a last-minute thought that I would write a little something sentimental and decorate it. Well, things happened and time got away, so my project is still not finished. The project idea looks amazing….in my head! Maybe I can give it to Saylor Rhea as a Christmas gift…or perhaps for Easter. This project thing is working my nerves!

A celebration of birth is an exciting event, and I am honored to be a part of my Say-Say’s. When I am able to celebrate with my family and at George Wallace Senior Center, I get the best of both families! I praise God for y’all!

Saylor, I hope you enjoy the pajamas; your real gift is still in progress….stay tuned….I’ll probably be at Wal-Mart waiting in line.

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