By Vicki Scott
Around 2017, my husband Alan and I went on a mission trip to the Bahamas with other members of Cove Creek Baptist Church in Glencoe. During this time, we built relationships with victims of both hurricanes and each other. Tammy Jones, who is the secretary and does the children’s ministry at Cove Creek, has a passion for our church, and it shows. She is such a blessing, and it was an honor to get to know her for two reasons – sea turtles and Sean Dietrich.
We went snorkeling one afternoon, and somehow Tammy and I ended up pairing up. Underwater life never ceases to amaze me, and Tammy showed the same interest. We just lost track of time with all the beauty of sea life, and we were the last ones to swim back to shore. It still brings chills as I think of when we swam right over a big sea turtle while it was eating on seaweed.
Every time I see a picture of a sea turtle or sea turtle toys, I text a picture or note to Tammy. We are now sea turtle sisters along with being sisters in Christ.
Sean Dietrich is a person who Tammy used to boost my ego. She helped me sign up to get emails of his articles because she told me that she thinks of me when she reads his articles. I felt honored. Sean writes every day, and I do not see how he does it. Another writer friend told me to dedicate a certain time every day. I tried it and it worked a little while but, well, I need to try again.
Somehow, I found that Sean and I had mutual friends from back home in Dadeville. At the time, none of our mutual friends I talked to had met him; they just read his articles. I read where Sean met one of my friend’s mom and dad in Reeltown. My home church was First Baptist of Reeltown. I read in one of Sean’s articles that ate at Oskar’s, which is around the corner from our lake house in Dadeville.
I wondered if he ate at Oskar’s when I ate there and where was he staying in Lake Martin. It was like “Where’s Waldo?” I told my husband about it and he started reading Sean’s articles. We would update each other as to where this guy was.
Tammy texted me and informed me of Sean coming to Gadsden. I cannot believe that he knows people I know in areas that are located two to three hours apart. We could not make the event, but several of our seniors at George Wallace Senior Center went and had a wonderful time. One of our seniors emailed me articles written by Sean, and I told him how Tammy said that his writing reminds her of me. Sean said that was why he sent me the articles. I swelled with pride.
My friend’s father held a fundraiser, and I remembered Sean’s article about them. I said to myself, “I bet he is there!” I looked through the pictures on Facebook, and there he was!
Everyone in Reeltown except for Tammy or me seems to have met Sean. I do not know what I would say to him, anyway.
There were so many blessings on the Bahama mission trip, and I praise God for the opportunity.
I also praise God for the sea turtle bond and the Sean Dietrich connection with Tammy Jones. I am so blessed! Thanks, y’all!!