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From God’s word – Crawling up on Abba’s lap

By Toni Ford

Matthew 19:13-14 says, “Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

One could preach a whole sermon from these two verses alone. As I read these verses, I can imagine the disciples thinking they need to protect Jesus from what they think is a minimal task of taking time to speak and care for the children. How often have we ourselves pushed children aside, treating them as if they are not important enough to stop and talk to, acknowledge or spend quality time with. Jesus values each person, whether it be a child or an adult, and thus the reason He stops and speaks to the disciples in the middle of a crowd of people, reminding them of the importance of a child.

The next image I have is envisioning these children scurrying around Jesus, eager to come and speak to Him and even crawl up in His lap. Children can tell if someone is friendly and likes them, and as a result, they are quick to draw near that person and want to sit in their lap.

Many times in my own life when feeling the burdens of this world, I have felt the need to sit in my Heavenly Father’s lap. In Scripture, we see where Jesus referred to God as Abba, which is a more intimate word for Father.  Can you imagine yourself crawling up on Abba’s lap and letting Him carry the cares of this world that burden your heart so deeply? To me, this is when I understand best what it means to come to Him as little children.

If you are feeling small, unloved and overwhelmed, I encourage you to pray the prayer below that was written by Sylvia Gunter from “My Father’s Business Ministry.” Receive it for yourself. Pray it any time that you want to affirm that your Abba is a loving Abba. You might also pass the blessing on to someone else who needs it today.

Abba’s presence. Go before me with Your lovingkindness, grace and truth, and go behind me with extra portions of Your protection. You hold me securely in Your safe hands. Fill my heart, household, and everything around me with Your loving presence.

Abba’s promises. May every step I take today be on the solid footing of Your Word and Your promises, which are “Yes” in Christ and “Amen” to the glory of God (2 Corinthians 1:20). Generously give me wisdom and keen discernment in all my ways today. Give me direction and clarity of thought moment by moment. For every need I have today, You are the “I Am,” more than sufficient in Your eternal supply.

Abba’s defense. I hold up Jesus, the armor of light, especially the mighty shield of faith, to intercept every fiery dart of the accuser. Allow none to hit its intended mark so that all of the darts fall harmlessly to the ground. Bear witness to me that I am hidden in Christ in You while I truly seek You with all my heart. Bind the spirits of unbelief and confusion which seek to steal, kill and destroy my peace. Hide me in Your great peace, mercy and enabling. Forbid the evil one from carrying out any harassment or schemes against my total victory today. Demolish the strongholds that have come against me. Let me sense that You are securing the perimeters of Your work in my life, work, home and family. Lift and carry away all burdens laid upon me. Give me discernment to know and grace to discharge the intercessory prayer and intercessory living assignments You give me. Let the yoke of Jesus be well-fitting.

Abba’s love. Set me as a seal upon Your heart. Reveal to me how much You love me and how committed You are to me. With the balm of Your love, penetrate deep into old wounds, all prior programming, and pockets of resistance to soften all the places I have walled off in denial, self-protection or unforgiveness. Bind to me all the freedom that is my inheritance in Christ Jesus. Speak to me with personal words of hope, strength, abiding rest of soul, grace, joy, encouragement and victory.

Abba’s purposes for the future. Let me know that the best is yet to be. Your mighty work and Your purposes will stand. Let me run today with joy the race appointed for me. Assure me that You are walking with me through all circumstances and tests and things that people know and things that nobody knows but You. Be strong in me to speak Your words and do Your works through my life in my particular place, touching appointed people. You are weaving all the strands of the tapestry of Your purposes for my life, as You are preparing me for things that I do not know of at the present time. Let me stand secure, confident and strong, for You are upholding my cause.

Thank you, Abba, for loving us all, from a small child to an adult, and for being the Father that each of us need!

If you would like continued prayer, feel free to email me at I would love to pray for you!

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