By Sarrah Peters
News Editor
The Gadsden Job Corps Center welcomed new director Juvenel Levros on August 10.
Levros was born in New York, and raised in Rhode Island. He worked in the film industry, including on a popular Verizon commercial. However, Levros was driven by a desire to help people. When he was younger, he aspired to be a teacher.
“My teachers didn’t inspire me,” said Levros.
About six years ago, he switched careers from film to human services.
He feels that the Job Corps is the right fit for him.
“Planting the seeds and seeing the ah-ha moments, that’s my favorite part right there,” said Levros. “Where someone may not have gotten it before but now they get it.”
He is a strong believer that Job Corps can give individuals the tools to be successful.
“I want people to know that Job Corps has serviced many youths,” said Levros. “We’ve had famous alumni, one of them being George Foreman.”
Levros also believes that Job Corps can give young people opportunities that they may not have had otherwise.
“So we are truly looking for those at-risk youth that may not have had the same privileges as others.”
Helping these students is a job Levros hopes to continue doing.
“Until they tell me that I have to get up and go, I plan on staying here,” said Levros.
Job Corps accepts students age 16 to 24. It provides opportunities to obtain a diploma or GED. The center also provides technical training in various professions. For more information, visit