The Gadsden Public Library’s annual BIG Book Sale will run from Oct. 23 to Oct. 26 in the Lena Martin Room of the Main Library, located at 254 College Street.
The sale hours will be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day except Oct. 26, when hours will be 9 a.m. to 12 p.m..
However, the first day of the sale — Oct. 23 — will be called “Preview Sale Day” and that means the sale will be open only to members of Friends of the Gadsden Public Library.
If someone wants to join the Friends group so they can attend “Preview Day” on Oct. 23, the library staff will be happy to oblige. Prospective members will find applications at the door, and may join by paying the appropriate Friends membership fees.
If someone is not a member of the Friends group, then the sale for the general public will begin on Oct. 24 and continue through 12 p.m. Oct. 26.
The library also welcomes donations for the BIG Book Sale and for the library’s collection (placement will be at the library staff’s discretion). To donate, bring your hardbound or paperback books, or DVD or VHS movies, records, magazines, etc. (all materials donated must be in good condition) to the Main Library between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. prior to the sale.
The library staff will not be able to go to any person’s house to pick up boxes. Instead, all books and materials must be brought to the library downtown.