By Vicki Scott
Time with God in the morning is so important to me, and I pray I never stop getting up early for it. Early in the morning is when my mind is not going in a thousand different directions, and most of the time I remember things that have slipped my mind in this crazy life of mine.
Our oldest granddaughter, Ava Jaymes, turned 6 on October 31, and we were invited to a big fat Greek Spooktacular birthday party in her honor. I was busy trying to get my mother’s wishes honored, and the planning for this birthday slipped my mind.
I shudder at the thought of my sweet Ava Jaymes remembering that I forgot her birthday. During my time with God, I remembered my mother giving me a bracelet to give to Ava Jaymes before all her trouble started. I found the bracelet as soon as I remembered, wrapped it with tissue and put it in a bag with a few other birthday items. I love birthday bags, because one can add to them. I could not have thought of a better and more thoughtful gift. I know it was from God, and I praise Him.
Ava Jaymes’ party was a costume party, and I had ordered my costume as soon as we were invited. I wanted to be a blue butterfly. I even found a birthday card to match, and I put the card in the bag.
As soon as we arrived at the party, I saw the birthday girl’s mother, Machi. Before saying hello, I explained the bracelet, which would be the first gift from my mom since her passing.
Machi was touched at the inclination. We put the bag with the other gifts and went into this Spooktacular event, which was hosted by Machi and her mother. These people go all out, and everything was amazing as usual. There were a few awkward moments when people approached me who had not seen me since my mother’s passing. I tried finding a corner, but Machi’s mother made me go outside and socialize. I thought I was guarding the food inside well, but she did not. When I went outside, my son Joseph told me that one of my former students, Ryan Miller, wanted to see me.
Some of my favorite moments happen when I see former students who have done well. There were at least four at the party, and they blessed my soul. Ryan said it had been 15 years since he had seen me. Fifteen years passed quickly. He and his wife, Kaci, who was one of the prettiest girls in school and is still beautiful, were excited to show off their three beautiful children. The other two former students were married and successful with beautiful children. My children grew up in a school with these people and now they all have children. They all had done well, and I felt extremely blessed. As their teacher, they became my children, too. My love for them will never change. God taught me that.
When the owners of the bouncy house arrived to collect their belongings, I realized that the party was coming to an end. We said our goodbyes and headed back to Glencoe. We were not out of the driveway before Joseph called and informed me my blue wings were hanging out our car door. We stopped and I rescued my wings.
About halfway home, Joseph called again and asked about the bracelet, as they did not see it. I told him that I would look for it later. A few miles down the road, Joseph called again. They found the bracelet in the garbage wrapped tissue. I praise God I told Machi about the bracelet before I said hello. That was a close one.
We finally arrived home and I got out to open the gate so my husband Alan could drive in. After I closed the gate, I checked the mailbox. While my head was down looking inside, a car drove up and stopped. A precious woman shouted, “Hello, beautiful!”
It was my dear friend Sharon Mabrey. I had not seen her in what seemed like forever, but I think it was last Sunday. We all went on a mission trip together and she was pregnant with one of the two children in the car with her. My cup was running over! I ran to the house and gave them all our candy and a few other snacks for their trick or treat prize.
There is something about some people that just blesses the heart. God used Sharon, her children and the people at Ava Jaymes’ party to bless my life.
What I value most is my early morning time with God, which I use to thank Him for all the blessings and memories when I need them. I feel lost without this time.
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33 (KJV)”