The Mary G. Hardin Center for Cultural Arts features the unique sculpture of Ohio-based artist James Mellick.
Mellick’s exhibition is comprised largely of wooden sculptures, many of animals, with a broad representation of man’s best friend.
“In the Doghouse: The art of James Mellick” will be on display in the Kathy Chan Exhibition Hall on the second floor at the Center for Cultural Arts through Oct. 31.
Mellick has said his many allegorical dog sculptures “record events or observations” that affect him emotionally. Some are personal, he has said, while others touch on wider concerns: his reactions to the Exxon Valdez oil spill, or the burning of hundreds of thousands of acres of Yellowstone National Park.
One piece on exhibit at the CCA, called Tired Old Liberal, chronicles Mellick’s shift from being liberal to being conservative.
The scupltures are fabricated with fine woodworking techniques, using inlay methods similiar to those used in furniture making.
The center will host a meet the artist reception from 2 to 4 p.m. on Oct. 6.