By Donna Thornton/News Editor
Todd Hindsman of Southside was appointed Jan. 8 to fill the vacancy left on the Etowah County Board of Education when Mack Butler won the District 30 special election.
Hindsman, a certified public accountant with Hindsman-Davis, PC-CPA, was one of nine people who sought the position on the board.
“I’m excited about having the opportunity to serve,” Hindsman said. He said there was a myriad of reasons for seeking the appointment to his first public office. “I’m a parent of children in the school system,” he said.
“I really feel strongly about the role schools have to play in raising kids who are good citizens,” Hindsman said. He said he’d been impressed with the work of the current board.
“I share common goals with the other board members,” Hindsman said – to see that students in the school system are college or career-ready, which ever is their choice.
“I offer a different perspective,” Hindsman said, and he said he hoped that would be beneficial to the board. While Hindsman hasn’t held public office, he’s been active in civic organizations such at United Way of Etowah County.
Board members met briefly in executive session at the start of the meeting to consider the appointment. After the board approved Hindsman unanimously, District Judge Will Clay administered the oath of office, Hindsman took his seat with other board members and went to work.
Hindsman’s wife Traci is a teacher at Southside Elementary School. The Hindsmans have a son who graduated from Southside High School and two children currently attending the school.