By Toni Ford
In a battle, I believe all of us at times need encouragement to keep fighting and not give up. We need a glimmer of hope or some type of sign that we can be victorious. Personally, I have found Psalm 86 to be a great psalm to read when one is faced with a problem and needs to be encouraged and reminded that because God is on my side, I will never go into battle alone.
David was facing some dreadful enemies when he penned Psalm 86. We do not know why or when, but this psalm is his prayer before God concerning those enemies. As you read this psalm, you will find a man who puts his faith in God while crying out desperately at a time of danger. When he felt inadequate to face the battle, David continued to find his encouragement in the Lord. He knew that the Lord was ultimately the only one who could provide him with the strength and hope he needed to face his enemies and the battle before him.
When reading Psalm 86, one will find at least 15 requests from David. Although some are repetitive, overall, the requests can be broken down into four sections:
David’s cry for God to hear and act on his behalf – Psalm 86:1-7. Throughout these verses, we see David asking God to “hear my prayer,” “answer me, for I need your help,” “protect me,” “save me” and “be merciful to me.” At the same time that David calls out to God to act on his behalf, he turns around and claims God’s faithfulness. Psalm 86:5, 7 says, “O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help.” David knew that God’s promises and covenant are secure and that truth was his hope to stand on.
David’s deliberate request of praise as he declares God as the only true God –
Psalm 86:8-10. David declares God as the Lord of the all nations in verse 9, which says, “All the nations you made will come and bow before you, Lord; they will praise your holy name.” Make no mistake – there is only ONE God, and His name is Jesus and in the end all people and nations will bow before Him. No one can take that away, for God is the only true God!
David asks for God to teach him and unite his heart to fear God so that he can glorify Him forever – Psalm 86:11-13. David wanted to always keep a healthy awe and respect for God and His character. Psalm 86:11 is a beautiful prayer to pray for our own hearts towards God: “Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.”
David appeals to God’s mercy and grace to deliver him – Psalm 86:14-17. No matter how much David’s enemies boast of their own threat and violence towards him, David kept his eyes on the Lord’s faithfulness that had guided and saved him all his life. David wanted his deliverance to be a testimony to the nations that Jehovah alone was God and that He alone should receive all the glory!
Lord, we thank you that when we are faced with battles in our own lives, we can look to you for our hope and encouragement during those times. Thank you that you are the One and Only true God and that one day all nations will bow before You, alone! You alone are my deliverer, my redeemer and my only hope! We love you, Lord!
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