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Inspiration from God’s Word – Please join the UNITE 714 prayer movement

By Toni Ford

Each week, we are watching our world, our nation, and even our own state change as a result of COVID-19.

Each day, whether on the television or through the internet, we can easily be overcome by all the information regarding COVID-19. While most of this news is not very positive, there are so many incredible testimonies taking place that are rewarding. One of those is the prayer movement that has started across the world. Churches from all over the world are joining together twice a day to pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 over our world and our nation and that COVID-19 would be eradicated in the name of Jesus. Each day at 7:14 a.m. and 7:14 p.m. people are stopping to pray this verse, which says, “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”

I would like to encourage everyone to visit and sign up to receive the weekly prayers that are being posted, and then to join with others from all over the world in praying 2 Chronicles 7:14 each day, twice a day. The big “C” church is coming together, and it isn’t about politics or denominations. It is all about unity in seeking the face of God. He alone is greater than COVID-19, and we know that He alone can bring the answers, the peace, the healing, the protection and the provisions we all need. Included below is the UNITE714 prayer for Week 2. I encourage you to pray this daily along with 2 Chronicles 7:14.

“Lord, we humble ourselves before You today in prayer. Our hearts are saddened by the reports coming from our nation and around the world of the continued spread and devastation of COVID-19. Today, we draw near to Your throne of grace in confidence and faith, knowing You will hear our prayer. Your Word says that though we were a people who once were in darkness without You, You were merciful to us and called us out of darkness and into Your marvelous light. You made us ‘a royal priesthood, a holy nation.’

“You are a God who is full of mercy, compassion, and grace. You said we can ‘receive mercy’ in our ‘time of need.’ We need Your help. We cry out to You, because our world is in a desperate place. COVID-19 has created a dire time of need, but we are standing in faith on the promises of Your Word.

“Today, we are believing that as you appointed the Old Testament priests to stand in the gap as intercessors to see plagues and disease eradicated, so You will use the Church to intercede and see COVID-19 eradicated from the earth.

“Therefore, we stand together as your royal priesthood and take authority over the COVID-19 virus. We pray that COVID-19 will be eradicated; that the victims will be healed; and that the doctors, nurses, scientists, first responders, and the vulnerable will be protected.

“We ask all these things in your name, Jesus. Amen!”

If you would like me to join you in prayer, please email me at I would love to pray for you!

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