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Inspiration from God’s Word – Where do I go from here?

By Toni Ford

This might be a bit different from my usual articles, so hang in there with me if you will. After reading the gospel accounts on the birth of Jesus, my mind and thoughts began to shift to, “What happened after the birth of Jesus, and how should my own thoughts and focus be shifting?”
From here, I started reading the scripture accounts after the birth of Jesus to see what events took place after the Messiah’s birth. I also wondered what Mary and Joseph did after the birth of Jesus, and what did Jesus do as He began to grow from birth to a young boy?
Below are just a few of the things I learned, of which I look forward to spending more time meditating on these thoughts and lessons. My prayer is that you as well will find at least one of these lessons worthy of deeper meditation, thought and prayer.
An eagerness to see more. In both Matthew and Luke, we read about a vast host of angels visiting shepherds in the fields nearby, bringing the good news about Jesus’ birth. In Luke 2:15-17 we read, “The shepherds said to each other, ‘Let’s go to Bethlehem! Let’s see this thing that has happened, which the Lord told us about. They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger. After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child.” The shepherds knew they needed more in their lives; they had a hunger for more and wanted to experience “this thing that had happened.” They “hurried” because they were hungry for more of this child named Jesus!
An eagerness to wait for more. In Luke Chapter 2, we read about a man named Simeon. Luke tells us that Simeon was righteous and devout and eagerly waiting for the Messiah to come and rescue Israel. Simeon was an older man and had been told by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s Messiah.
Luke 2:27-28 says, “That day the Spirit led him to the temple. So when Mary and Joseph came to present the baby Jesus to the Lord as the law required, Simeon was there! He took the child in his arms and praised God.” Simeon knew there was more coming and was willing to wait on the Lord’s perfect timing. He believed in the Holy Spirit’s promise that he would not die until he saw the Messiah, so Simeon waited with great anticipation, knowing that more was coming – the Messiah!
An eagerness to listen and learn. Each year, Jesus’ parents would travel to Jerusalem for the Passover festival. When Jesus was 12 years old, they attended the festival as usual. After the festival, they began started the long journey back home to Nazareth. Many friends and relatives made this journey together in a large caravan. While traveling back that evening, Mary and Joseph could not find Jesus. When they could not find Him among the relatives and friends, they went back to Jerusalem to search for Him there. Luke 2:46 tells us where they found Him.
“Three days later they finally discovered him in the Temple, sitting among the religious teachers, listening to them and asking questions.”
This verse always amazes me that Jesus the Messiah who knows and already has all the answers to every question one might ask. However, He is the one listening and asking questions to the religious teachers. May I always be slow to give answers but be quick to listen and hear from Jesus, my Messiah!
Father, today I pray that I would have an eagerness to see more, wait for more, and listen and learn more from you, my Lord! Open my eyes to see you and behold your wonder! Thank you for being my Messiah!

If you would like me to join you in prayer please email me at I would love to pray for you!

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