By Rosie Preston
What recently started out as a normal day changed quickly, as I was soon facing a challenge, the kind that makes you want to pull your hair out.
I had bought a new cell phone and knew how to remove the SIM card from the old one. By inserting the card into the new phone, all my information would be transferred. It looked pretty easy. How was I to know that two hours later, I would be ready to scream?
Pacing both phones in front of me, I thought the project would not take but a few minutes. I had the small wire tool to push into the small hole to remove the SIM card. According to the instructions, this was all I needed. I tried several times to insert the SIM card into my new phone. I soon gathered a nail file, tweezers, small wire pliers and a magnifying glass to help me along. I was both tired and obsessed at that point. I am as stubborn as an old hen and would not give up until said situation was solved.
I eventually remembered what advice a wise little six-year-old granddaughter recently shared with me, which was to take a break, and so I did. Maybe after I cleared my mind the task could be attempted again.
The down time apparently worked. A little later on, I took the metal SIM card device from an old cell phone, and it fit perfectly into the new one!
That little task turned into quite a challenge. To think it was the wisdom of a six year old that helped her Nana to achieve a goal!
Keep Smiling, Rosie
Contact Rosie Preston at