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Keep Smiling with Rosie Preston – We must overcome

Every day, breaking news updates us about one crisis after another. How do we overcome the catastrophes? This definition does not imply just what is going on in our physical world but in our emotional and spiritual worlds as well. Using the word ‘today’ is significant because it is impossible to change yesterday and we know not what tomorrow may bring.

Years ago, I was facing a type of depression that was circumstantial, and I could not change it. During that particular time, I happened to read a book by Max Lucado that gave me hope and taught me how to pray again. I guess it’s true that we often we must become childlike in order to grow. As silly as it sounds, I remembered a song I learned in bible school, “Let Jesus Come into My Heart.”

I wondered how could God be bothered by me? So, I sing the childish song every morning before I pray. I feel it gives me a head start and continues ‘today’ without ceasing. Prayer is very significant in our lives when the negative happenings take over and the relevant good in the world drifts to the background of our minds. And still, there will be circumstances that happen on a daily basis.

There are few examples I can think of that can set me and others into a panic of fear if we allow it. The weather is changing in California and in Alaska where many family members live. I just learned that for the first time in history, the temperature in Alaska is so high the stores cannot keep air-conditioners in stock. One friend told me, “I wait on my porch as the heat is too great to go inside where the flies are dropping dead!”

California recently experienced a big earthquake, and the news said there could be up to 3,000 aftershocks. People are being told to stock their water and edible food in case of a bigger disaster.

Advising family and friends to move south does not seem very appealing to them…yet. Sure, we have tornados and hurricanes in our southern states, but they are not as scary to me as an earthquake.

One of my relatives believe that our snakes, fleas, ticks may adopt our southern dialect! So what if we talk slower. They will just have to do what I tell all the customer services technicians I seem to deal with on the phone constantly: “Listen. I am southern. I talk slow and I listen slow. So you need to slow it down or connect me with someone I can understand!”

Many days we will have our hearts broken, but we can believe that each new day can be a new beginning. We must not remain stagnant in the happenings going on around us. Every morning, ask yourself, “Who will I ask into my heart today? Lord, don’t let me be afraid to pray and worship you while knowing my neighbors may be suffering horrible situations than I can imagine.”

Our faith will get us through, no matter what circumstance we may face on any given day. Let us remember that is the most important word, and let us start our day with a prayer that serves as acan umbrella!

Keep Smiling, Rosie

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