Legal notices for the week of August 14 – August 21





Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Billy R. Cross and Lucille L. Cross aka Lucille Cross, husband and wife, to Regions Bank, on the 21st day of February, 2008, said mortgage being recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, in Instrument Number 3290369 and legal description corrected by Scriveners Affidavit recorded in Instrument Number 3420411, in the aforesaid office.

The undersigned Regions Bank, as mortgagee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Main entrance of the Court House at Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama, on the 27th day of August, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, the following real estate, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

Lot Number  Eight  (8) in Block “A” Sherwood Knolls  Subdivision, according to the Map or Plat thereof  recorded in Plat Book “G”, page 17, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of  Etowah County, Alabama, and lying and being in Rainbow City, Alabama.


This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure.



Attorney for Mortgagee   


LONGSHORE, BUCK & LONGSHORE, P.C.                          

The Longshore Building

2009 Second Avenue North

Birmingham, Alabama  35203-3703

Phone: 205-252-7661   

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain real estate mortgage executed by Cassandra M. Coats to Gadsden-Etowah Habitat for Humanity, Inc. dated August 28th, 2002 and recorded in Document Number M-2002-4018 and Document #M-2002-4020 in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Etowah County, Alabama, and the mortgagee, by reason of such default, having declared all the indebtedness secured by said mortgage due and payable and said mortgage subject to foreclosure, and said default continuing, notice is hereby given that, acting under the powers of sale contained in said mortgage the mortgagee will sell at public outcry, for cash, to the highest and best bidder in front of the courthouse door of the Etowah County Courthouse, during the legal hours of sale on the 21st day of August, 2015, the following described real estate situated in Etowah County, Alabama.

Lot Number Fourteen (14) in Block Number Four (4) in Cocheron’s Second Addition, according to the map or plat thereof as the same appears of record in Plat Book “A”, Page 101, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama, lying and being in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.

Said sale will be made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by the above said mortgages, and the proceeds thereof will be applied as provided by the terms of the mortgages, and said foreclosure sale will be made subject to any existing Federal Tax Liens and/or special assessments, if any.

/s/ David C. Livingston

By: David C. Livingston

Attorney for Mortgagees

P. O. Box 1621

Gadsden, AL 35902


July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage dated December 13, 2011, executed by Sarah Beth Baker, a single woman, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for First Federal Bank, which mortgage was recorded on December 20, 2011, in Instrument Number 3359815, of the mortgage records in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, which mortgage was, duly transferred and assigned to JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, notice is hereby given that pursuant to law and the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the undersigned will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Main entrance to the Etowah County Courthouse at Gadsden, Alabama, during the legal hours of sale on September 1, 2015, the following described real estate, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

Lot 7, Peteet Estates, Phase I, as recorded in Plat Book “L”, Page 53, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama. The above described property is conveyed subject to the following: 

1.  State and County ad valorem taxes for 2012 and subsequent years. 

2. Any mineral and/or mining rights in, under and upon the subject real property which may have been heretofore reserved. 

3. Zoning ordinances and subdivision regulations of the municipality and/or other governmental units in which the subject real property is located. 

4. Any and all easements, rights of way, restrictions or reservations of record. 

5. Restrictions recorded at Misc. Book 50, Page 453, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama. 

This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage as well as expenses of foreclosure.

JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association


Robert J. Wermuth/cls

Stephens Millirons, P.C.

P.O. Box 307

Huntsville, Alabama  35804

Attorney for Mortgagee

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage dated October 12, 2005, executed by Nathalla J. Elmore MD, married, trustee of the Wood Family Trust, and husband, Stephen O. Wood, to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., which mortgage was recorded on October 28, 2005, in Document Number M-2005-4686, of the mortgage records in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that pursuant to law and the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the undersigned will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Main entrance to the Etowah County Courthouse at Gadsden, Alabama, during the legal hours of sale on August 25, 2015, the following described real estate, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

The land referred to in this policy is situated in the State of Alabama, County of Etowah, City of Gadsden, and described as follows: Lot number seven (7) in block number “C”, in Clubview Heights Second Addition, according to the Map or Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book “G”, Page 71, Probate Office, and lying and being in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama. 

This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage as well as expenses of foreclosure.

JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association


Robert J. Wermuth/mgw

Stephens Millirons, P.C.

P.O. Box 307

Huntsville, Alabama  35804

Attorney for Mortgagee

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015






Default having been made in the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Carolyn Smith And Memphis Lamar Smith to Metlife Home Loans, A Division of Metlife Bank, N.A. dated December 1, 2010; said mortgage being recorded in Instrument No. 3343177 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama.  Said Mortgage was last sold, assigned and transferred to Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company Instrument 3380703 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama.

The undersigned, Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the main entrance of the Court House in Etowah County, Alabama during the legal hours of sale (between 11am and 4pm), on the 20th day of August, 2015, the following property, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

Begin at the SE corner of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Section 21, Township 10 South, Range 7 East and run Westerly along the South line of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 a distance of 1323.12 feet to the SW corner of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4; thence deflect 0°01’11” left and run Westerly along the South line of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Section 20, a distance of 861.86 feet; thence deflect 38°09’13” right and run Northwesterly a distance of 569.38 feet to a point on the centerline of the old abandoned Tabor Road; thence deflect 87°33’42” right and run Northeasterly along the centerline of the old abandoned Tabor Road a distance of 172.8 feet to a point on the Southeasterly right of- way line of the new Tabor Road; thence deflect right and run Northeasterly along the Southeasterly right-of-way line of Tabor Road and along a curve to the right having a centerline data of Central Angle – 37°19’, Tangent – 1105.54 feet, Degree of Curve – 1°45’ a distance of 952.8 feet, measured along the chord of said curve having a deflection angle of 24º55’03” right from the previous course; thence deflect 8º28’11” right from the chord of said curve and continue Northeasterly along the Southeasterly right-of-way line of Tabor Road a distance of 579.55 feet; thence deflect left and continue Northeasterly along the Southeasterly right-of-way line of Tabor Road and along a curve to the left having a centerline date date of Central Angle – 29°02’5”, Tangent – 330.26 feet, Degree of curve – 4° 00’ a distance of 341.78 feet measured along the chord of said curve having a deflection angle of 7°28’38” left from the previous Course; thence deflect 28°29’02” right and run Easterly along the North line of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Section 21 a distance of 306.22 feet; thence deflect 38°58’34” right and run Southeasterly a distance of 731.92 feet to a point on the East line of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4; thence deflect 51°54’22” right and run Southerly along the East line of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 a distance of 867 feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel of land being a portion of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Section 21 and a portion of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Section 20, all being in Township 10 South, Range 7 East, lying and being in Etowah County, Alabama.   Less and except that certain lands deeded to Thomas Eugene Farley and Pamela V. Farley in Deed book D-2005, page 5511, Probate Records of Etowah County, Alabama, further described as follows as:    Begin at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 21, Township 10 South, Range 7 East and run Westerly along the South line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 1,323.12’ to the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, thence run North along the West line of said forty to a point in the Southeast right of way of Tabor Road; thence run Northeasterly along said right of way to a point in the North line of said forty; thence run Easterly along the North line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 21, a distance of 306.22’ to a point, said point being the Western most corner of that certain tract conveyed to Thomas E. Farley and wife, Pamela V. Farley by deed recorded in Book “1243”, Page 616; thence deflect 38 degrees 58’ 34” right and run Southeasterly and along the Southwest line of said Farley tract for a distance of 731.92’ to a point on the East line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, deflect 51 degrees 54’ 22” right and run Southerly along the East line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 867’ to the point of beginning. Said parcel of land being a portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 21, Township 10 South, Range 7 East, lying and being in Etowah County, Alabama.    Less and except that certain lands deeded to Jeremy L. K. Webb in Instrument no. 3244205, Probate Records of Etowah County, Alabama, further described as:    Commence at a 1” Solid pipe marking the SE corner of the NE 1/4-NE1/4, Section 20, T-10-S,R-7-E thence along the south line of said Forty N 89 °30’00”W 711.86’ to a ½” capped rebar (LS#21183) also being the point of beginning, thence continue along said forty line N89°30’00” W 150.00’ to an axle, thence N 51 °20’47” W 569.39’ to a 5/8” rebar in the center of an old road bed, thence along the center of said road N 36 °13’ 17” E 172.74’ to a ½ rebar on the southeastern R/W of Tabor Road 80’ R/W, thence along said R/W a Chord Bearing & Distance N58°51’13”E 680.71’ to a 1/2” capped rebar (LS#21183), thence leaving said R/W S39°22’47” E 385.47 to a ½” capped rebar (LS#21183), thence S31°17’29” W 644.15’ to the point of beginning. Said property lying and being in the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Section 20 T-10-S R-7-E of the Huntsville Meridian, Etowah County, Alabama.

Said property is commonly known as 10285 Tabor Road, Gadsden, AL 35904.

The indebtedness secured by said Mortgage has been and is hereby declared due and payable because of default under the terms of the Note secured by said Mortgage, including but not limited to, nonpayment of the indebtedness as and when due.  The indebtedness remains in default, and this sale will be made for the sole purpose of paying the same, including all expenses of the sale, attorney’s fees, and all other payments provided for under the terms of said Mortgage.

Said property will be sold subject to the following items, which may affect the title to said real property: all zoning ordinances; matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the property; any outstanding taxes, including but not limited to, ad valorem taxes, which constitute liens upon said property; special assessments; all outstanding bills for public utilities, which constitute liens upon said property; all restrictive covenants, easements, rights-of-way; the statutory right of redemption pursuant to Alabama law; and any other matters of record superior to said Mortgage.  To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the real property is Carolyn Smith and Memphis Lamar Smith or tenant(s).


as holder of said mortgage

McCalla Raymer, LLC

Two North Twentieth

2 20th Street North, Suite 1310

Birmingham, AL 35203

(800) 275-7171

File No. 944515

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




Alabama, ETOWAH County

Default having been made pursuant to the terms of that certain mortgage executed by Calvin Cecil Freeman, Jr. a married man and wife Susanne Freeman to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for America’s Wholesale Lender, its successors and assigns, dated 09/29/06, said mortgage being recorded in Instrument # 3256464 , in the Office of the Judge of Probate of ETOWAH  County, AL said Mortgage was last sold, assigned and transferred to The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the certificateholders of the CWABS, Inc., ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-21. The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the certificateholders of the CWABS, Inc., ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-21, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash or certified/bank check only. The certified/bank check should be made payable to or endorsed to RCO Legal, P.C.  The sale will take place during the legal hours of sale, on 08/27/15 before the courthouse door of Etowah County, AL the following real estate, situated in ETOWAH County, AL, to-wit: FOR A  POINT OF BEGINNING: COMMENCE AT A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF COLLEGE PARKWAY AND NUNNALLY AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY MARKER LABELED ALABAMA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT P.O.T STATION 29+50; THENCE RUN EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTH  RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF COLLEGE PARKWAY A DISTANCE OF 145.02 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE DEFLECT LEFT 84 DEGREES  54 MINUTES AND RUN NORTHEASTERLY ALONG FENCE LINE A DISTANCE OF 80.02 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE DEFLECT LEFT 87 DEGREES 34 MINUTES AND RUN NORTHWESTERLY ALONG EXISTING  FENCE  LINE A DISTANCE OF  193.64 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NUNNALLY AVENUE; THENCE DEFLECT LEFT SO AS TO FORM AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 48 DEGREES 07 MINUTES AND RUN SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO A MARKER LABELED 2 + 20  OF ALABAMA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT; THENCE DEFLECT RIGHT 15 DEGREES 16 MINUTES AND CONTINUE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF ALABAMA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT A DISTANCE OF 100.32 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID  TRACT EMBRACING  A PORTION OF SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE 1/4), SECTION TWENTY-FOUR (24), TOWNSHIP (12) SOUTH RANGE  SIX (6) EAST OF THE HUNTSVILLE MERIDIAN, ETOWAH COUNTY, ALABAMA, CONTAINING  0.5 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, SUBJECT HOWEVER TO ANY RIGHT-OF-WAYS, EASEMENTS, AGREEMENTS, OR RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD THAT MAY EXIST.  Said property is commonly known as 604 NUNNALLY AVE, GADSDEN, AL 35903. The indebtedness has been and is hereby declared due and payable because of default under the terms of said Mortgage and Note, including but not limited to the nonpayment of the indebtedness as and when due.  The indebtedness remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same, all expenses of the sale, including attorney’s fees and all other payments provided for under the terms of the Mortgage and Note. Said property will be sold subject to the following items which may affect the title to said property: all zoning ordinances; matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or by an inspection of the property; any outstanding taxes, including but not limited to ad valorem taxes, which constitute liens upon said property; special assessments; all outstanding bills for public utilities which constitute liens upon said property; all restrictive covenants, easements, rights-of-way; the statutory right of redemption pursuant to Alabama law; and any other matters of record superior to said Mortgage.  To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Calvin Cecil Freeman, Jr. and Susanne Freeman or tenant(s).  RCO Legal, P.C. 1587 Northeast Expressway

Atlanta, Georgia 30329 (770) 234-9181

(770) 234-9192   TS#:  7835. 20643 FEI # 2013. 03319

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015






Default having been made in the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Charles V Canady Husband And Jennifer Weninegar Canady Wife to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. solely as nominee for Branch Banking and Trust Company dated March 26, 2003; said mortgage being recorded in Instrument No. M-2003-1419, as modified by that certain Modification Agreement in Instrument No. 3335814 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama.  Said Mortgage was last sold, assigned and transferred to Branch Banking and Trust Company Instrument 3379401 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama.

The undersigned, Branch Banking and Trust Company, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the main entrance of the Court House in Etowah County, Alabama during the legal hours of sale (between 11am and 4pm), on the 12th day of March, 2015 the following property, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

Lot Eight (8) Block Two (2), Richardson Addition, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book “A”, Page 165, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama.

Said property is commonly known as 545 Haralson Avenue, Gadsden, AL 35901.

The indebtedness secured by said Mortgage has been and is hereby declared due and payable because of default under the terms of the Note secured by said Mortgage, including but not limited to, nonpayment of the indebtedness as and when due.  The indebtedness remains in default, and this sale will be made for the sole purpose of paying the same, including all expenses of the sale, attorney’s fees, and all other payments provided for under the terms of said Mortgage.

Said property will be sold subject to the following items, which may affect the title to said real property: all zoning ordinances; matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the property; any outstanding taxes, including but not limited to, ad valorem taxes, which constitute liens upon said property; special assessments; all outstanding bills for public utilities, which constitute liens upon said property; all restrictive covenants, easements, rights-of-way; the statutory right of redemption pursuant to Alabama law; and any other matters of record superior to said Mortgage.  To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the real property is Charles V Canady and Jennifer Weninegar Canady or tenant(s).


as holder of said mortgage

McCalla Raymer, LLC

Two North Twentieth

2 20th Street North, Suite 1310

Birmingham, AL 35203

(800) 275-7171

File No. 952414


Aug 7, 14 & 21, 2015




Default has been made in the terms of the Mortgage executed by Jeremy Michael Haines, a single man, to Charlotte Gail Hak, Mortgagee, dated October 16, 2014 and recorded in Instrument Number 3421081, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama.

Default has continued. The mortgagee, under the power of sale contained in the Mortgage, will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the front steps of the Etowah County Courthouse, Gadsden, Alabama, during the legal hours of sale, on the 10th day of September, 2015, the following described real estate:

Lots 8-11, Blk 1, Manley Trust Addition to the Town of Altoona, Alabama. Tax Parcel ID: 18-02-04-1-000-137.000.

Property address: 7270 4th Avenue, Altoona, AL 35952.

The sale is made for the purpose of foreclosing the mortgage, paying the mortgage indebtedness, costs and expenses of foreclosure, including the attorney’s fee.

Mortgagee reserves the right to bid on the property. The Mortgage is a first Mortgage.


Jack Floyd

Attorney for Mortgagee

808 Chestnut Street

Gadsden, AL 35901

Aug 7, 14 & 21, 2015




Alabama, Etowah County Default having been made pursuant to the terms of that certain mortgage executed by Lisa Joy Joiner, an unmarried woman to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for America’s Wholesale Lender, its successors and assigns, dated 04/23/01, said mortgage being recorded in Book 2001, Page 121, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, AL said Mortgage was last sold, assigned and transferred to Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”). Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash or certified/bank check only. The certified/bank check should be made payable to or endorsed to RCO Legal, P.C.  The sale will take place during the legal hours of sale, on 09/10/15 before the courthouse door of Etowah County, AL the following real estate, situated in Etowah County, AL, to-wit: A TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4, SECTION 7,  TOWNSHIP 10 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, HUNTSVILLE MERIDIAN,  ETOWAH COUNTY, ALABAMA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:  COMMENCE AT A 5/8 INCH DIAMETER STEEL ROD WITH RED CAP STAMPED “BDH-RLS AL 9792” AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 7 WITH CHEROKEE INDIAN BOUNDARY LINE; THENCE S 09 DEGREES 43’ 44” E 2721.49 FEET; THENCE S 00 DEGREES 00’ 00” E 5.00 FEET; THENCE S 89 DEGREES 37’07” W 242.00 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH DIAMETER STEEL ROD WITH YELLOW CAP STAMPED “CORBIN PLS 11081” ON THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LIMITED OF SARDIS CUTOFF ROAD, A 30 FOOT CITY STREET, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE  LEAVING SAID  RIGHT OF WAY LIMIT S 17 DEGREES 05’ 00” E 263.95 FEET (RECORD 264 FEET) TO A TWO INCH DIAMETER PIPE; THENCE S 77 DEGREES 37’ 52” W 29.47 FEET (RECORD S  89 DEGREES 01’ W 25 FEET TO GRADER BLADE; THENCE S 23 DEGREES 05’ 15” E  (RECORD S 17 DEGREES 05’  E) 30.00 FEET TO AN IRON SET  (THIS IRON  AND ALL IRONS HEREAFTER REFERRED TO AS  “SET”  ARE 5/8 INCH DIAMETER STEEL RODS WITH RED PLASTIC CAP STAMPED HUNKAPILLER AL CA-0223-LS); THENCE  N 87 DEGREES 31’ 22” W (RECORD S 89 DEGREES 01’ W) 75.00 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH DIAMETER STEEL ROD; THENCE S 09 DEGREES 28’ 54” E 15.02 FEET (RECORD S 17 DEGREES 05’ E15 FEET) TO A GRADER BLADE AT AN OLD WOOD POST; THENCE N 70 DEGREES 05’ 29” W 18.35 FEET (RECORD N 88 DEGREES 51’ W  20 FEET) TO A 3/4 INCH DIAMETER PIPE; THENCE N 15 DEGREES 31’ 20” W 301.82 FEET (RECORD N 15 DEGREES 45’ W 305.57 FEET) TO A TWO INCH DIAMETER PIPE ON THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LIMIT OF SAID SARDIS CUTOFF ROAD;  THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY, LIMIT N 89 DEGREES 37’ 07”  E 109.97 FEET (RECORD N 89 DEGREES 01’ E 110 FEET) TO THE TRUE  POINT OF BEGINNING.  ACCORDING TO THE SURVEY PREPARED  BY B.D. HUNKAPILLER, PE/LS ALA. REG NO. 9792, DATED JUNE 26, 1996. Said property is commonly known as 100 SARDIS CUT-OFF ROAD, BOAZ, AL 35956. The indebtedness has been and is hereby declared due and payable because of default under the terms of said Mortgage and Note, including but not limited to the nonpayment of the indebtedness as and when due.  The indebtedness remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same, all expenses of the sale, including attorney’s fees and all other payments provided for under the terms of the Mortgage and Note. Said property will be sold subject to the following items which may affect the title to said property: all zoning ordinances; matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or by an inspection of the property; any outstanding taxes, including but not limited to ad valorem taxes, which constitute liens upon said property; special assessments; all outstanding bills for public utilities which constitute liens upon said property; all restrictive covenants, easements, rights-of-way; the statutory right of redemption pursuant to Alabama law; and any other matters of record superior to said Mortgage.  To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Lisa Joy Joiner or tenant(s). RCO Legal, P.C. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, Georgia 30329 (770) 234-9181 (770) 234-9192 Gadsden Messenger TS#: 7345. 28579 FEI # 2013. 03362

Aug 14, 21 & 28, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness described in and secured by that certain mortgage executed by JAMES GARRETT and LAUREN GARRETT, husband and wife, as Mortgagor(s) to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting solely as nominee for First Federal Bank, as Mortgagee, dated the 9th day of March, 2010, and recorded in Instrument No. 3329182, et seq. of the records in the Office of the Judge of Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama; said mortgage being lastly assigned to BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., successor by merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, LP by instrument recorded in said Probate Court records; said default continuing, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage sell at public outcry for cash to the highest bidder during legal hours of sale, on the 11th day of September, 2015, in the city of Gadsden, at the front Door of the Court House of Etowah County, Alabama, the following described real property situated in the County of Etowah, State of Alabama, to-wit:

Lot Number Five (5) of Edwards Tract No. Three (3) as recorded in Plat Book (I), Page 71, in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Etowah County, Alabama. 



Said sale will be made for the purpose of paying said indebtedness and the expenses incident to this sale, including a reasonable attorney’s fee, and the other purposes set out in said mortgage.


Holder of said Mortgage

Goodman G. Ledyard         


Attorneys for Mortgagee

Post Office Box 161389

Mobile, Alabama  36616

(251) 338-1300

Aug 14, 21 & 28, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain Commercial Real Estate Mortgage and Assignment of Leases and Rents executed by THE REDFIELD GROUP, INC., Mortgagor, to BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY, successor in interest to Colonial Bank by asset acquisition from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as Receiver for Colonial Bank, Mortgagee, on the 25th day of November 2002, said mortgage recorded on December 4, 2002, in the Probate Office of Etowah County, Alabama, as Document Number M-2002-5623, as affected by that certain Assignment of Security Instruments and Other Loan Documents from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in its capacity as Receiver for Colonial Bank to Branch Banking and Trust Company (BB&T), recorded in the aforesaid Probate Office, on October 27, 2009, as Instrument Number 3322250, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, Mortgagee will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance to the Etowah County Courthouse in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama on the 9th day of October 2015, during the legal hours of sale, the following described real estate situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to wit:

Commence at the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4), Section Twenty-nine (29) Township Twelve (12) South, Range Six (6) East and run Westerly along the South line of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) a distance of 312.5 feet; thence deflect 44˚ 49’ left and Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of Lot Three (3), Block One (1) of the J. H. Summers Second Addition to Summerville as recorded in Plat Book “B”, Page 100, in the Probate Office of Etowah County, Alabama, a distance of 138.71 feet to the point of beginning; from said point of beginning continue Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of said Lot Three (3) a distance of 200 feet to a point on the Northeasterly right of way line of Spurlock Avenue; thence deflect 90˚ right and run Northwesterly along the Northeasterly right of way line of Spurlock Avenue a distance of 276.8 feet to a point on the Southeasterly right of way line of Rainbow Drive; thence deflect 90˚ 25’ 30” right and run Northeasterly along the Southeasterly right of way line of Rainbow Drive a distance of 200 feet; thence deflect 89˚ 34’ 30” right and run a distance of 275.32 feet to the point of beginning.

Said parcel of land being a portion of Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3), Block One (1) of the J. H. Summers Second Addition to Summerville as recorded in Plat Book “B”, Page 100, in the Probate Office of Etowah County, Alabama, and a portion of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4), Section Twenty-nine (29), Township Twelve (12) South, Range Six (6) East.

Being subject to an easement 15 feet in width across the Northwesterly portion of the property adjacent to Rainbow Drive.  Lying and being in Rainbow City, Etowah County, Alabama.

This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure.

Mortgagee makes no representation or warranty as to the physical condition of the real estate and/or any improvements thereon.  Mortgagee is not familiar with the environmental condition of the real property and makes no statements or warranties that said real estate is or is not free of any hazardous and/or toxic substances.  Any purchasers of said real estate will release and will hold and save Mortgagee harmless from and against all claims, losses, demands, costs, expenses (including attorney fees and other legal costs), liabilities, damages and judgments arising out of or related to Mortgagee’s use (past, present, or future) of said real estate or breach of this representation.

The above-described property will be sold on an “as is, where is” basis, subject to any filed taxes, and reservations and restrictions contained in prior deeds and easements for highway and/or road rights of way, telephone utility lines, rights of egress and ingress.  Said property will be sold without representation, warranty or recourse, express or implied, as to title, use and/or enjoyment of the property described above, and will be sold subject to the statutory right of redemption.  This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation; contact D. Brent Hargett at the phone number shown below prior to attendance at sale.

D. Brent Hargett

Attorney for Mortgagee


P.O. Box 4539

Montgomery, AL 36103-4539

(334) 532-3400

Aug 14, 21 & 28, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed on August 17, 2010 by James Paul Gaylor and Suzanna Gaylor, husband and wife as joint tenants with full rights of survivorship, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Southern Home Mortgage Corporation, and recorded in Instrument No. at 3336770 on August 20, 2010, and modified in That certain Loan Modification Agreement dated May 6, 2014 and recorded in Instrument No. 3403995 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama on July 1, 2014., in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, and secured indebtedness having been transferred to Wells Fargo Bank, NA. Shapiro and Ingle, L.L.P., as counsel for Mortgagee or Transferee and under and by virtue of power of sale contained in the said mortgage will, on September 10, 2015, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder in front of the main entrance of the Etowah County, Alabama, Courthouse in the City of Gadsden, during the legal hours of sale, the following real estate situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to wit:

Begin at a point of intersection of the Southerly R/W of Vaughn Road (50 food R/W AKA Walnut Grove-Howelton Road) with the West line of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Section 16, Township 11 South, Range 4 East of Huntsville Meridian, Etowah County, Alabama and run Southerly along said West line , 249.08 feet to an existing flat iron at the Southwest corner of said 1/4; thence deflect 86 degrees 51 minutes 14 seconds left leaving said West line and run Easterly along the South line of said 1/4, 410.00 feet to a point; thence 93 degrees 08 minutes 48 seconds left leaving said South line and run Northerly 454.37 feet to a point on said R/W; thence deflect 114 degrees 03 minutes 36 seconds left and run Southwesterly along said R/W 448.33 feet to the point of beginning. Said property being a point of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Section 16, Township 11 South, Range 4 East, Etowah County, Alabama. 

For informational purposes only, the property address is: 2155 Vaugn Rd, Altoona, AL 35952.  This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure.  Furthermore, the property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS, WHERE IS. Neither the mortgagee, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of the mortgagee make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property offered for sale.  Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition, including those suggested by Code of Ala. (1975) § 35-4-271, expressly are disclaimed.  This sale is subject to all prior liens and encumbrances and unpaid taxes and assessments including any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure.  The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($5,000.00) in certified or cash funds at the time and place of the sale.  The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by close of business on the next business day thereafter at the Law Office of Shapiro and Ingle, LLP at the address indicated below.  Shapiro and Ingle, LLP reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder, or to reschedule the sale, should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due.

Wells Fargo Bank, NA, and its successors and assigns

Mortgagee or Transferee


10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400

Charlotte, NC 28216

704-333-8107/ 15-007625


Aug 14, 21 & 28, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Vasti Gutierrez and Victor Gutierrez, husband and wife, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting solely as nominee for Accredited Home Lenders, Inc., on the 26th day of May, 2005, said mortgage recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, in Document Number M-2005-2223; the undersigned HSBC Bank, USA, National Association, as Indenture Trustee of the FBR Securitization Trust 2005-2, Callable Mortgage-Backed Notes, Series 2005-2, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama, on November 17, 2014, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

Lot Number Two (2) in Block Number Two (2) in the First Addition to Rainbow Estates, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book “F”, Page 335, in the Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama, and lying and being in Rainbow City, Etowah County, Alabama.

Property street address for informational purposes:  398 Williams Avenue, Rainbow City, AL 35906


This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure.

The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate.

This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation.

HSBC Bank, USA, National Association, as Indenture Trustee of the FBR Securitization Trust 2005-2, Callable Mortgage-Backed Notes, Series 2005-2, Mortgagee/Transferee

Rebecca Redmond


P. O. Box 55727

Birmingham, AL  35255-5727

Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee


The above mortgage foreclosure sale has been postponed until 12/29/2014 during the legal hours of sale in front of the main entrance of the courthouse in the City of Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.

The above mortgage foreclosure sale has been postponed until 02/09/2015 during the legal hours of sale in front of the main entrance of the courthouse in the City of Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.

The above mortgage foreclosure sale has been postponed until 03/23/2015 during the legal hours of sale in front of the main entrance of the courthouse in the City of Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.

The above mortgage foreclosure sale has been postponed until 05/04/2015 during the legal hours of sale in front of the main entrance of the courthouse in the City of Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.

The above mortgage foreclosure sale has been postponed until 06/15/2015 during the legal hours of sale in front of the main entrance of the courthouse in the City of Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.

The above mortgage foreclosure sale has been postponed until 07/27/2015 during the legal hours of sale in front of the main entrance of the courthouse in the City of Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.

The above mortgage foreclosure sale has been postponed until 09/14/2015 during the legal hours of sale in front of the main entrance of the courthouse in the City of Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.

Aug 14, 2015




DORIS J. WETTLIN appointed Personal Representative(s) on June 8, 2015 Estate of MEREDITH JEAN JOHNSON, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




RACHEL GARBE STEWART appointed Personal Representative(s) on June 4, 2015 Estate of DONALD W. STEWART, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




LINDA V. THOMAS appointed Personal Representative(s) on June 22, 2015 Estate of DAVID B. THOMAS, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




JANET J. HARRALSON appointed Personal Representative(s) on June 18, 2015 Estate of FRANCES C. JORDAN, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




CANDACE WESTFALL appointed Personal Representative(s) on July 9, 2015 Estate of HOWARD T. HODGE, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




JESSE HOBERT HENDERSON appointed Personal Representative(s) on June 8, 2015 Estate of ALTON WILLARD HENDERSON, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




GAIL P. STEWART appointed Personal Representative(s) on June 12, 2015 Estate of WILLIAM W. STEWART, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




SHERRY A. MUSKETT appointed Personal Representative(s) on July 9, 2015 Estate of MAGGIE MAE MAYBEN, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




CLIFFORD C. COLE, JR. and E. WAYNE COLE appointed Personal Representative(s) on July 13, 2015 Estate of VIRGINIA S. COLE, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




DIANA MARSH BAKER appointed Personal Representative(s) on June 26, 2015 Estate of ANNIE RUTH FORTENBERRY, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




CANDACE WESTFALL appointed Personal Representative(s) on July 9, 2015 Estate of MARY ANN HODGE, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




TANYA KLOSSNER appointed Personal Representative(s) on July 20, 2015 Estate of LOGAN KLOSSNER, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015




DAVID HINDSMAN appointed Personal Representative (s) on July 20, 2015 Estate of FRANCES A. HINDSMAN, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Aug 7, 14 & 21, 2015




OLA MAE HARKNESS appointed Personal Representative (s) on July 20, 2015 Estate of LOTHER D. HARKNESS, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Aug 7, 14 & 21, 2015




ANTHONY WALLACE appointed Personal Representative (s) on July 20, 2015 Estate of FRONCINE JAN WALLACE, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Aug 7, 14 & 21, 2015




ROBBIE DEAN CRAFT and CADENCE BANK appointed Personal Representative (s) on July 22, 2015 Estate of CHARLES EDWARD CRAFT, SR., deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Aug 7, 14 & 21, 2015




DEBORAH GAY GOLDEN UTZ appointed Personal Representative (s) on July 20, 2015 Estate of GARY L. UTZ, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Aug 7, 14 & 21, 2015




TERESA ANNE LEE MABREY appointed Personal Representative (s) on July 21, 2015 Estate of NINA IRENE LEE, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Aug 7, 14 & 21, 2015




PATRICIA GAIL THOMPSON appointed Personal Representative (s) on July 6, 2015 Estate of JAMES GARY THOMPSON, SR., deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Aug 7, 14 & 21, 2015




MICHELE K. ADAMS appointed Personal Representative (s) on July 17, 2015 Estate of JANET INA DAVIS, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Aug 14, 21 & 28, 2015




CHARLES C. HAGLER appointed Personal Representative (s) on July 27, 2015 Estate of ANNETTE LITTLE, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Aug 14, 21 & 28, 2015




GINGER CAROL BELYEU appointed Personal Representative (s) on July 28, 2015 Estate of NONA JEAN W. SMITH, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Aug 14, 21 & 28, 2015




MICHAEL RAYBURN MCDANIEL appointed Personal Representative (s) on July 31, 2015 Estate of MILDRED VIRGINIA MCDANIEL, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Aug 14, 21 & 28, 2015




JOSEPH EDWARD MILLER, JR. AND JEFFREY SCOTT MILLER appointed Personal Representative (s) on August 4, 2015 Estate of DOROTHY WHEELER MILLER, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Aug 14, 21 & 28, 2015






Notice is hereby given to STATE OF ALABAMA, P.O. BOX 327210, MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA 36132, and JEROLENA MILINER C/O JEAN TAYLOR, 1513 ARROWHEAD DRIVE, GADSDEN, ALABAMA 35903, believed to have or claim an interest in the property described below, that at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Gadsden to be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall on TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 at 5:00 P.M., a hearing will be held to determine whether or not the property located at 810 ROGERS STREET  in District 3 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot 1 in Block 25 of Thornton Addition, according to the map thereof recorded in Plat Book B, Pg 334-335, Probate Office, Etowah County Alabama.

Should be assessed with a lien of $3,915.88   for  the abatement of a nuisance in accordance with Section 86-65 of the Gadsden City Code. You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Council regarding the assessment of the lien.


Brian Harbison                                        

Building Official 

City of Gadsden                                       

P. O. Box 267                                         

Gadsden, AL  35902  

(205) 549-4529

Aug 14, 2015






Notice is hereby given to RONNIE E. POLLARD, POB 4252, GADSDEN, AL 35904, and THOMAS A. BADDLEY, RECEIVER FOR COMMUNITY HOME BANC, INC. (SUCCESSOR TO MORTGAGE INVESTORS, INC.);  believed to have or claim an interest in the property described below, that at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Gadsden to be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall on TUESDAY,  AUGUST 25, 2015 at 5:00 P.M., a hearing will be held to determine whether or not the structure or condition located at 812 S 12TH STREET in District 5 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as: 

A lot or parcel of land described as beginning at a point in the East line of Twelfth Street where said line intersects the South line of the alley running East and West through Block Number 20, and from thence running in a Southerly direction and along the East line of Twelfth Street a distance of 80 feet; thence in an Easterly direction and parallel with the South line of said alley to the West line of Lot Number 23; thence in a Northerly direction and along the West line of Lot Number 23 to the South line of said alley; thence in a Westerly direction and along the South line of said alley to the point of beginning; and embracing portions of Lots 25 and 27, all of the above lots being in Block 20, in the Gadsden Land & Improvement Company’s Kyle Addition to Gadsden, according to the map or plat thereof as the same appears of record in Plat Book “A”, page 23, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama.

is a nuisance in  violation  of  the Gadsden City Code and whether it should be abated.  You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Council regarding the alleged nuisance and its abatement.                                                                                                   


Brian Harbison                                                  

BUILDING OFFICIAL                                               

City of Gadsden                                                 

P.O. Box 267                                                    

Gadsden, AL  35902                                             

(256) 549-4529

Aug 14, 2015






Notice is hereby given to ESTATE OF ANNIE GRACE SANDERS, C/O ANITA SANDERS HOWARD, 7218 CORMWELL LANE, CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28217, , believed to have or claim an interest in the property described below, that at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Gadsden to be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall on TUESDAY,  AUGUST 25, 2015 at 5:00 P.M. a hearing will be held to determine whether or not the structure or condition located at 309 TARRANT COURT in District 3 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as: 

Lot Number Sixteen (16) in Tarrant Court, according to the map thereof recorded in Plat

Book “C”, page 77, Probate Office, Etowah County, and lying and being in Gadsden,

Etowah County, Alabama, together with all improvements located thereon.


 is a nuisance in  violation  of  the Gadsden City Code and whether it should be abated.  You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Council regarding the alleged nuisance and its abatement.                                                       


Brian Harbison                                                  


City of Gadsden                                                 

P.O. Box 267                                                    

Gadsden, AL  35902                                             

(256) 549-4529

Aug 14, 2015






Notice is hereby given to ROBERT S JONES, 412 4TH AVENUE NW ATTALLA, AL 35954, believed to have or claim an interest in the property described below, that at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Gadsden to be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall on TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 at 5:00 P.M., a hearing will be held to determine whether or not the structure or condition located at 19 SANDUSKY  LANE  in District 6 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as: 

Lot Number One Hundred Two (102) in Parcel Number Two (2) of Cone Mills Corporation, Dwight Division, Alabama City, according to the map thereof recorded in Plat Book “F”, Page 53, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama, and lying and being in Gadsden (formerly Alabama City), Etowah County, Alabama; subject to the rights of the Alabama Power Company as described in Deed Record “404”, page 587, and subject to the rights of the Alabama Gas Corporation as described in Deed Record “423”, Page 343, Probate Office, and subject to easements, if any, for water pipe lines as now located over, through, under or upon any portion thereof.


 is a nuisance in  violation  of  the Gadsden City Code and whether it should be abated.  You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Council regarding the alleged nuisance and its abatement.                                                       


Brian Harbison                                                  


City of Gadsden                                                 

P.O. Box 267                                                    

Gadsden, AL  35902                                             

(256) 549-4529

Aug 14, 2015






Notice is hereby given to FRANKIE & WIFE JESSE LEE VINES, 811 ROGERS STREET, GADSDEN, ALABAMA 35901, believed to have or claim an interest in the property described below, that at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Gadsden to be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall on TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 at 5:00 P.M.., a hearing will be held to determine whether or not the property located at 808 ROGERS STREET in District 3 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot 2 in Block 25 of Thornton Addition, according to the map thereof recorded in Plat Book B, Pg 334-335, Probate Office, Etowah County Alabama.

Should be assessed with a lien of $3,965.88   for  the abatement of a nuisance in accordance with Section 86-65 of the Gadsden City Code. You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Council regarding the assessment of the lien.


Brian Harbison                                        

Building Official

City of Gadsden                                       

P. O. Box 267                                         

Gadsden, AL  35902  

(205) 549-4529

Aug 14, 2015






Notice is hereby given to NEW LIFE FAMILY WORSHIP, and TONYA LATHAM, P.O. BOX 1893, GADSDEN, ALABAMA 35902,  believed to have or claim an interest in the property described below, that at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Gadsden to be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall on TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 at 5:00 P.M., a hearing will be held to determine whether or not the structure or condition located at 1001 AVENUE G in District 3 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as: 

Lots Number Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block Number Seven (7) of the Liddell Addition of the City of Gadsden, according to the map or plat of said Addition of record in the Probate Office of Etowah County, Alabama, together with all improvements thereon. SAVE AND EXCEPT that portion of the above real estate heretofore deeded by Samuel Herron to James L. Woods, deed recorded in Book 1951, Page 337, Probate Office of Etowah County, Alabama. SAVE AND EXCEPT ALSO the property heretofore conveyed to Moaen Alhegazen, by deed recorded in DOC. # D-2000-0260, and corrected in deed recorded in DOC. # D-2002-0330, Probate Office of Etowah County, Alabama

is a nuisance in  violation  of  the Gadsden City Code and whether it should be abated.  You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Council regarding the alleged nuisance and its abatement.                                                       


Brian Harbison                                                  


City of Gadsden                                                 

P.O. Box 267                                                    

Gadsden, AL  35902                                             

(256) 549-4529

Aug 14, 2015






Notice is hereby given to STATE OF ALABAMA, P.O. BOX 327210, MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA 36132, WILLODEAN G. MAYES, and LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, 909 HIDDEN RIDGE DRIVE STE 200, IRVING, TEXAS 75038, believed to have or claim an interest in the property described below, that at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Gadsden to be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall on TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 at 5:00 P.M., a hearing will be held to determine whether or not the property located at 904 WILSON AVENUE  in District 2 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot 6 in Block 36 of Garden City Residential Subdivision No. 1, according to the                                             map thereof recorded in Plat Book C, Page 408-409, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama.

Should be assessed with a lien of $2,916.20   for  the abatement of a nuisance in accordance with Section 86-65 of the Gadsden City Code. You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Council regarding the assessment of the lien.


Brian Harbison                                        

Building Official 

City of Gadsden                                       

P. O. Box 267                                         

Gadsden, AL  35902  

(205) 549-4529

Aug 14, 2015






Notice is hereby given to FNA NP, LLC, 120 N LESLIE STREET, CHICAGO, IL 60602; and JEFF GILCHRIST, 5453 LISTER FERRY ROAD, RAINBOW CITY, ALABAMA, 35906, believed to have or claim an interest in the property described below, that at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Gadsden to be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall on TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 at 5:00 P.M., a hearing will be held to determine whether or not the structure or condition located at 2218 HILL AVENUE in District 6 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as: 

Lot Number Ten (10) in Block Number Eleven (11) in the Oak Park Addition to Gadsden, according to the map thereof as the same appears of record in Book of Town Plats “B”, page 200, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama.

is a nuisance in  violation  of  the Gadsden City Code and whether it should be abated.  You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Council regarding the alleged nuisance and its abatement.                                                       


Brian Harbison                                                  


City of Gadsden                                                 

P.O. Box 267                                                    

Gadsden, AL  35902                                             

(256) 549-4529

Aug 14, 2015






Notice is hereby given to LAVILLE PROPERTIES, LLC,  4890 TAHOE COURT, WINSTON, GEORGIA 30187, believed to have or claim an interest in the property described below, that at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Gadsden to be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall on TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015  at 5:00 P.M., a hearing will be held to determine whether or not the structure or condition located at 1335 HILL AVENUE  in District 3 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as: 

Lot Number Eleven (11) in Block Number Two (2) of Hill & Cansler Addition, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book A, Page 74, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, and lying and being in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.


 is a nuisance in  violation  of  the Gadsden City Code and whether it should be abated.  You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Council regarding the alleged nuisance and its abatement.                                                       


Brian Harbison                                                  


City of Gadsden                                                 

P.O. Box 267                                                    

Gadsden, AL  35902                                             

(256) 549-4529

Aug 14, 2015






Notice is hereby given to STATE OF ALABAMA, P.O. BOX 327210, MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA 36132, DONALD AND JUANITA BERKEY, 1206 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE, GADSDEN, AL 35903, ROBERT HASKELL BROOKS, 142 SOUTH 12TH STREET, GADSDEN, AL 35901, EULA T. BROOKS, and ED BONNER, 125 FLORIDA AVENUE, GADSDEN, AL 35903, believed to have or claim an interest in the property described below, that at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Gadsden to be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall on TUESDAY,  AUGUST 25, 2015 at 5:00 P.M., a hearing will be held to determine whether or not the property located at 1302 KYLE AVENUE in District 3 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot Number One (1)  in Block fourteen (14) in Interban Land Company’s First Addition, according to the map thereof recorded in Plat Book B, Pg 206, in the Office of the Judge Probate of Etowah County Alabama, and lying and being in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama, together will all improvements located thereon.

Should be assessed with a lien of $3,066.20   for  the abatement of a nuisance in accordance with Section 86-65 of the Gadsden City Code. You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Council regarding the assessment of the lien.


Brian Harbison                                        

Building Official  

City of Gadsden                                       

P. O. Box 267                                         

Gadsden, AL  35902  

(205) 549-4529

Aug 14, 2015






Notice is hereby given to ESTATE OF MACK and THELMA SMITH, 2319 NORRIS AVENUE, GADSDEN, AL 35904, believed to have or claim an interest in the property described below, that at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Gadsden to be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall on TUESDAY,  AUGUST 25, 2015 at 5:00 P.M., a hearing will be held to determine whether or not the structure or condition located at 2324 Norris Avenue  in District 6 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as: 

Lot Number Four (4) in Block Number Four (4) in Oak Park Addition to Gadsden, Alabama, as same appears of record in Plat Book “B”, page 200-201, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama.


 is a nuisance in  violation  of  the Gadsden City Code and whether it should be abated.  You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Council regarding the alleged nuisance and its abatement.                                                       


Brian Harbison                                                  


City of Gadsden                                                 

P.O. Box 267                                                    

Gadsden, AL  35902                                             

(256) 549-4529

Aug 14, 2015






Notice is hereby given to STATE OF ALABAMA, P.O. BOX 327210, MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA,  36132; and  CONNIE TUCKER, 20 SANDUSKY LANE, GADSDEN, ALABAMA 35904,  believed to have or claim an interest in the property described below, that at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Gadsden to be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall on TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015             at 5:00 P.M., a hearing will be held to determine whether or not the structure or condition located at 20 SANDUSKY LANE  in District 6 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as: 

That certain parcel of land with all the buildings and improvements thereon, being designed as Lot Number 120, Parcel Number 2, as shown on map of property of Cone Mills Corporation, Dwight Division, recorded in Plat Book “F”, pages 51-65, in the office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama.


 is a nuisance in  violation  of  the Gadsden City Code and whether it should be abated.  You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Council regarding the alleged nuisance and its abatement.                                                                                            


Brian Harbison                                                  


City of Gadsden                                                 

P.O. Box 267                                                    

Gadsden, AL  35902                                             

(256) 549-4529

Aug 14, 2015



Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that a structure located at 

141 BROOKWOOD DRIVE in District 1 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot Number Nine (9), in Block Number Two (2) according to the survey of Brookwood Addition to Gadsden, as recorded in Plat Book “D”, Pages 88 and 89, in the Probate Office of Etowah County, Alabama, Gadsden.


is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and

Whereas, as required by the City Code, notice of a public hearing has been given Joseph A. Woods, 1104 Tuckawanna Drive, Birmingham, and Your Choice Properties, P.O. Box 190026, Birmingham;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the structure constitutes a nuisance in violation of the City Code and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing or repairing said structure and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the City Code. 


Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on August 4, 2015.


Iva Nelson, City Clerk              

Aug 14, 2015



Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that a structure located at 

1400 ROBINSON AVENUE in District 2 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot Number One (1), Two (2), and Three (3) in Block “K”, in Stroud’s First Subdivision to East Gadsden, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Book of Town Plats Book “B’, Page 84, in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Etowah County, Alabama, and lying and being in the City of Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama, SAVE AND EXCEPT the Southeasterly 25 feet of said Lot 4 as described in Book “376”, Page 71, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama. 

is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and 

Whereas, as required by the City Code, notice of a public hearing has been given to State of Alabama, P.O. Box 327210, Montgomery, and John Offut, P.O. Box 2142, Florence;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the structure constitutes a nuisance in violation of the City Code and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing or repairing said structure and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the City Code. 


Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on August 4, 2015.


Iva Nelson, City Clerk       

Aug 14, 2015       



Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that a structure located at 

1015 SLUSSER AVE in District 2 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot Number Eight (8), in Block Number Thirty Two (32) in Garden City Residential Subdivision #1, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Plat Book “C”, Pages 408 and 409, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama. 

is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and 

Whereas, as required by the City Code, notice of a public hearing has been given Robert Eugene Wesson III and Bennett Lee Wesson, P.O. Box 8015;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the structure constitutes a nuisance in violation of the City Code and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing or repairing said structure and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the City Code. 


Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on August 4, 2015.


Iva Nelson, City Clerk         

Aug 14, 2015     



Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that a structure located at 

1117 STILLMAN AVENUE in District 2 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot 9, Block 37, according to the survey of Garden City, Gadsden Alabama, Residential Subdivision #2 as recorded in Plat Book “C”, pages 410-411 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama.

is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and

Whereas, as required by the City Code, notice of a public hearing has been given The Estate of George Gilley c/o Gina Diggs, 111 Donald Circle, Glencoe;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the structure constitutes a nuisance in violation of the City Code and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing or repairing said structure and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the City Code. 


Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on August 4, 2015.


Iva Nelson, City Clerk              

Aug 14, 2015



Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that a structure located at 

1430 ALABAMA STREET in District 3 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot Number Four (4), in Block Number Five (5) in Crocheron’s Second Addition, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Plat Book “A’, Page 101, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama, and lying and being in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama, together with all improvements located thereon. 

is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and 

Whereas, as required by the City Code, notice of a public hearing has been given State of Alabama, P.O. Box 327210, Montgomery, Larry Thomas Hughes, Paul Thomas Hughes and AmSouth Bank, P.O. Box 830734, Birmingham 35283;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the structure constitutes a nuisance in violation of the City Code and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing or repairing said structure and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the City Code. 

Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on August 4, 2015.


Iva Nelson, City Clerk             

Aug 14, 2015 





CASE NO. S-8509

Letters of Administration on the Estate of MEREDITH JEAN JOHNSON, Deceased, are hereby granted to Doris J. Wettlin who has duly qualified and given bond as such Personal Representative and is authorized to administer such estate in accordance with procedures provided in Ala. Code §§ 43-3-830, et seq., (Supp. 1993) including the powers and duties permitted in §43-2-843 without prior court order.

Witness my hand and dated this 8th day of June, 2015.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

July 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015






CASE NUMBER A-729 & A-731


You will take notice that a Petition for the Adoption of two male children born to ROBIN MARIE O’NEAL HENN, (natural mother) and ERIC LANE HENN, set to be heard on the 14th day of October, 2015 at 11:00 a.m., was filed on the 12th day of December, 2013 and service of said Petition having been attempted by certified mail on Robin Marie O’Neal Henn and Eric Lane Henn at their last known addresses with said certified mail having been returned unclaimed. Minor Children’s birthdates are November 2, 1998 and November 4, 1997.

Please be advised that should you intend to contest this adoption, you must file a written response within thirty (30) days of the date of the last publication herein with Carla M. Handy, County, Alabama, Courthouse, 800 Forrest Avenue, Gadsden, AL 35901.

DONE this the 24th day of July, 2015.

Name and address of attorney:

Carla M. Handy

219 South 4th Street

Gadsden, AL 35901

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Aug 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2015





A petition for Insolvency of the Estate of James Kermit Stanley, deceased shall be heard on the 8th day of September, 2015, at 10:30 a.m. in the Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama, 800 Forrest Avenue, Gadsden, Alabama.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Aug 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2015





Jessica Fowler Davis, whose whereabouts are unknown, must answer the Petition of Christopher Strong by answer a Petition for Custody and other relief by September 21, 2015 or thereafter a judgment of default may be rendered against her in Civil Action No.: JU-14-146.03, Juvenile Court of Etowah County, Alabama.

Dated July 28, 2015

Cassandra Johnson

District Clerk

July 31, Aug 7, 14 & 21, 2015





CASE NO.: S-8556



A hearing on the petition for guardianship and conservatorship over the persons and the property of SHIRLEY GUNAGAN, an incapacitated individual, will be held before the undersigned on the 9th day of September, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. at the Etowah County Courthouse, 800 Forrest Avenue, Gadsden, Alabama 35901. Please be advised that if you intend to contest this matter you must file a written response within fourteen (14) days hereof with the Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

July 31, Aug 7, 14 & 21, 2015




UNKNOWN WHEREABOUTS OF JENNIFER BURGESS, Defendant, must answer the Complaint filed by Troy R. Roberts within thirty (30) days from the last date of publication, case number CV-2015-900184.00, filed in the Circuit Court of Etowah County, or thereafter a judgment of default may be rendered against her in the circuit Court of Etowah County, Alabama.

July 24, 31, Aug 7 & 14, 2015










Unlimited Construction, LLC, whose whereabouts are unknown, must answer Plumbers Wholesale Supply Co., Inc.’s Complaint by the 11th day of September, 2015, or theater a Judgment by Default may be rendered against said parties in Case No. 31-DV-2015-900303.00 in the District Court of Etowah County, Alabama.

Cassandra Johnson

Circuit Clerk

Aug 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2015








TO: Eric Andrew Morton

You are hereby notified that the above-styled action seeking monies due to the Plaintiff in an amount in excess of the minimum jurisdictional limits of the Circuit Court of Etowah County Alabama as a result of an automobile accident which occurred on or about the 20th day of August, 2012 in Attalla, Etowah County, Alabama, between the Plaintiff and Defendant was filed against you in the Circuit Court, Etowah County, Alabama, and that by reason of an order for service of summons by publication entered by the Court, you are hereby commanded and required to file with the clerk of the court and to serve upon Plaintiff’s attorney, Stephen M. Langham, P.C., P.O. Box 680416, Prattville, AL 36068-0416, an answer to the Complaint within thirty (30) days after the last publication of this Notice or default judgment will be entered against you.

Cassandra Johnson

Circuit Clerk, Etowah County, Alabama.

Aug 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2015





Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will proceed to take possession of the following described abandoned vehicle September 14, 2015 for charges due.

1997 Chevrolet 1500 VIN# 1GCEC14 W5WZ198774

Quincy Patterson

600 Hamby Drive

Attalla, AL 35954

Aug 7 & 14, 2015





Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will proceed to take possession of the following described abandoned vehicle September 14, 2015 for charges due.

2007 Chrysler Sebring VIN# 1C3LC46K 57N516943

Eddie Craft

143 Lake Ray Rd

Attalla, AL 35954

Aug 7 & 14, 2015





Notice is hereby given that on September 23, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. the undersigned will proceed to sell the following vehicles for towing and storage fees.

2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee VIN# 1J8GW5 8N03C5 14310

2003 Mazda 6 VIN# 1YVFP80 C735M55640

1994 Pontiac Sunbird VIN# 1G2JB14 TXR7578382

Jimmy Easterwood

1727 Forrest Avenue

Gadsden, AL 35901

Aug 14 & 21, 2015

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