Legals for 5/01/2020 – 5/07/2020




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Shane Fail and wife, Stacey M Fail, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. acting solely as nominee for EquiFirst Corporation, on September 11, 2006, said mortgage being recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, at Instrument Number, 3255455; and subsequently transferred to U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE UNDER SECURITIZATION SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF APRIL 1, 2007 STRUCTURED ASSET SECURITIES CORPORATION MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-EQ1; U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee for Structured Asset Securities Corporation Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-EQ1, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Etowah County Courthouse, in Gadsden, Alabama, on June 3, 2020, during the legal hours of sale, the following described real estate, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

Begin at the Southeast corner of Lot 9, Block “B”, in the R.R. Yeats Subdivision, thence North along the East line of said lot 100 feet, thence West 165 feet to a point in the West line of said lot, which is 100 feet Northerly of the SW corner, thereof thence South and along the West line of said lot 100 feet to the SW corner; thence East and along the South line 147.9 feet to the Southeast thereof, the point of beginning; and embracing a portion of Lot 9 in Block “B”, in R.R. Yeats Subdivision, according to map or plat thereof recorded in Plat Book “C” pages 26-27, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama.

Tax parcel # 20-01-01-0001-040.001 (“Parcel 1”)


Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 9, Block B of the R.R. Yeats Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book C, page 27, Probate Office of Etowah County, Alabama, and run in a Northerly direction along the West line of said Lot 9, 115.06 feet to a point, which is the point of beginning; thence continue Northerly along the West line 86.74 feet to a point; thence run right and run in an Easterly direction to a point in the East line of said Lot 9, which is 200 feet from the Southeast corner of Lot 9; thence run right and run in a Southerly direction along the East line of said Lot 9, 100 feet to a point; thence turn an angle of 94 degrees 33 minutes 26 seconds left and run in a Westerly direction 161.43 feet to the point of beginning, and embracing a portion of Lot 9, Block B of the R.R. Yeats Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book C, page 27, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama

Tax parcel # 20-01-01-0-001-040.000 (“Parcel 2”)

Commonly known as 131 Hood Road, Rainbow City, Alabama 35906

This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expense of foreclosure.

Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as part of the foreclosure process.

U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee for Structured Asset Securities Corporation Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-EQ1


Jauregui, Lindsey, Longshore & Tingle

244 Inverness Center Drive

Suite 200

Birmingham, AL 35242

Phone: (205) 970-2233

April 24, May 1 and 8, 2020



Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Henry Culp, V, an unmarried man, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc, acting solely as nominee for River Bank & Trust, on August 10, 2018, said mortgage being recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, at Instrument No., 3472111; and subsequently transferred to Specialized Loan Servicing LLC; Specialized Loan Servicing LLC, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Etowah County Courthouse, in Gadsden, Alabama, on June 15, 2020, during the legal hours of sale, the following described real estate, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

Lot Number Six (6) in Watson Estates, according to the plat or map thereof as the same appears of record in Plat Book “H”, Page 71, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama.

This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expense of foreclosure.

Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as part of the foreclosure process.

Specialized Loan Servicing LLC


Jauregui, Lindsey, Longshore & Tingle

244 Inverness Center Drive

Suite 200

Birmingham, AL 35242

Phone: (205) 970-2233

May 1, 8 and 15, 2020



Tina Kinsey Quarles was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 04/01/2020 Estate Roland Leonard New deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

April 17, 24 and May 1, 2020





CASE NO: S-10884

TAKE NOTICE that Letters of Administration having been granted to Jeffrey Ashley, as Administrator of the Estate of Raymond Senter, deceased, on the 11th day of March, 2020, by the Honorable Scott Hassell, Judge of Probate.

Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present the same within the time allowed by law or the same will be barred.

Jason Knowles

Knowles & Sullivan, LLC

Attorney for


400 Broad Street

Gadsden, AL. 35901


April 17, 24 and May 1, 2020



Clifford Brady Mayo was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 04/02/2020 Estate Annie Ruth Mayo deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

April 24, May 1 and 8, 2020



Brian Bankston was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 03/230/2020 Estate William Ross Bankston deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

April 17, 24, and May 1, 2020



Robert E. Bell was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 03/20/2020 Estate Helene Gertrude Smith deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

April 24, May 1 and 8, 2020



Mary Reese was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 4/14/2020 Estate Danny Lyn Reese deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

April 24, May 1 and 8, 2020



Maxwell T. Burford was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 03/20/2020 Estate Vicki Estes Burford deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

April 24, May 1 and 8, 2020



Jeffrey Guffey was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 4/14/2020 Estate Danny Lynn Guffey deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

April 24, May 1 and 8, 2020



Susan Burroughs Smith was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 4/02/2020 Estate Stanley Wayne Smith deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

April 24, May 1 and 8, 2020



Nancy Grant was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 4/09/2020 Estate Mozell Hessey deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

April 24, May 1 and 8, 2020



Paula Huff was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 4/08/2020 Estate Mary Nell Couch deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

April 24, May 1 and 8, 2020





CASE NO: S-10756

Take notice that Letters of Testamentary having been granted to ALLEN RAY BATTLES, as Personal Representative of the Estate of BOBBY RAY HARP, deceased on the 7th day of April, 2020 by this Court.

Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same within the time allowed by law, or the same will be barred.

Scott Hassell

Probate Judge

April 24, May 1 and 8, 2020



David Powell was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 04/03/2020 Estate Johnny C. Powell deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

May 1, 8 and 15, 2020



Stevie Preston was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 3/27/2020 Estate Kenneth L. Kauffman deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

May 1, 8, and 15, 2020



IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: Rondal David Rector, Deceased


Case # S-10681

TO: Leon Rector, Mary Jones, Claire Forrester and William Rector

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that there has been filed in this court a petition to sell the property belonging to Rondal David Rector located at 1035 Skyview Drive, Southside, Alabama 35907 along with a contract and approval to sell said property to Lisa B. Metcalfe.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED to be and appear before this court on 9th day of June, 2020 at 10:00 AM when said notice will be heard and to show cause, if any you may have, why this petition to sell not be granted.

This the 22nd day of April, 2020.

Scott W. Hassell

April 24, May 1 and 8, 2020



Barnie Lee Dickinson was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 4/14/2020 Estate Hoyt R. Senter deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

April 24, May 1 and 8, 2020



Jan Ghazal was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 3/24/2020 Estate J L Richardson deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

April 24, May 1 and 8, 2020



Britt Mayhall Hawks was/were appointed Personal Representative(s) on 04/20/2020 Estate Gene Garrison Mayhall, Jr. deceased; Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Scott W. Hassell

Judge of Probate

May 1, 8 and 15, 2020



Notice is hereby given on Wednesday May 6, 2020 at 9:00 AM, a hearing is set to be heard in The Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama on the disposition of the remains of Johnny Eagleheart, DOB: 03/14/1965 and DOD: 04/19/2020 and last known address 952 Stewart Ave SE, Attalla, 35954.

May 1, 2020






WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Gadsden, Alabama seeks to facilitate the

availability of reliable, personal wireless communication services for its citizens and the public

by permitting the placement of Small Cell Technology Facilities and associated Support

Structures along the Rights-Of-Way in the City; and

WHEREAS, the installation, expansion, and maintenance of Small Cell Technology

Facilities and associated Structures on or along the Rights-Of-Way might have significant impact

upon: (1) the aesthetic values and historical character of the City; (2) safe use and passage on or

along the Rights-of-Way by the public; and (3) properties and property values in the City in areas

where such Structures are placed; and

WHEREAS, the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the “Act”) and regulations

promulgated with respect to the Act by the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC)

authorize local governments to enact responsible regulations for the placement, expansion,

height, and maintenance of Small Cell Technologies Facilities and associated Support Structures;


WHEREAS, as provided in this Ordinance Number O-11-20, the City seeks to mandate,

where feasible, the colocation of Small Cell Technology Facilities on existing poles and other

Support Structures as opposed to installation of new Structures; and

WHEREAS, the above-noted colocation and other provisions of this Ordinance are

intended to be consistent with the Act and its associated regulation; and

WHEREAS, the adoption of the regulations, procedures, and requirements in this

Ordinance will permit Applicants and Providers to enhance the provision of personal wireless

service and protect the public welfare, health, safety and interests of the City’s citizens.



Chapter 114 of the Gadsden Code of Ordinances entitled “Telecommunications” is

hereby amended as Ordinance Number O-11-20 is hereby adopted and shall be inserted in the

Gadsden Municipal Code as follows:


Section 1. Definitions.

The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation of this Ordinance:

  1. Abandonment or Abandons means that, following the placement of Small Cell

Technologies Facilities (and associated Accessory Equipment) or Support Structures

in the City pursuant to a permit issued to a Provider or an Applicant, any of the

following has occurred: (a) for any reason the Facilities cease to be used to transmit

signals, data, or messages or otherwise be used for their intended purposes for a

period of ninety (90) days; (b) the City revokes the permit for placement and use of

those Facilities due to nonpayment of applicable fees, the failure of the Provider or

Applicant to comply with conditions in the permit or in this Ordinance concerning

them, or other valid reason; or (c) the Provider or Applicant fails to perform any of its

responsibilities, obligations and requirements in this ordinance or in a permit that

relate to the installation, construction, maintenance, use or operation of the Facilities,

Accessory Equipment or Support Structures, and that breach remains uncured for a

period of sixty (60) days after the City provides written notice of the breach to the

Provider or Applicant.

  1. Accessory Equipment means any equipment other than an antenna that is used in

conjunction with Small Cell Technology Facility arrangements. This equipment may

be attached to or detached from a Small Cell Technology Wireless Support Structure,

and in includes, but is not limited to, cabinets, optical converters, power amplifiers,

radios, DWDM and CWDM multiplexers, microcells, radio units, fiber optic and

coaxial cables, wires, meters, pedestals, power switches, and related equipment on or

in the immediate vicinity of a Support Structure.

  1. Antenna means communications equipment that transmits and receives

electromagnetic radio signals, is attached to a Small Cell Technology Wireless

Support Structure and is used to communicate wireless service.

  1. Applicant, whether singular or plural, means a personal wireless service provider, an

entity that is authorized by a personal wireless service provider to apply for or receive

a permit to install, construct, modify or maintain a Small Cell Technology Facility

and related Accessory Equipment or Support Structure in the City, or an entity

certificated by the Alabama Public Service Commission to provide

telecommunication service.

  1. Application means a formal request submitted to the City for a permit to install,

construct, modify or maintain a Small Cell Technology Facility and related Accessory

Equipment or Support Structure.

  1. City means the City of Gadsden, Alabama.
  2. City Council means the City Council of the City of Gadsden, Alabama.
  3. City Engineer means the person appointed by the City Council as the City Engineer

of the City. The City Engineer includes any employee of the City or other person

designated by the City Council to perform the responsibilities of this Ordinance.

  1. Colocation means the placement or installation of a new Small Cell Wireless

Technology Facility or related Accessory Equipment on an existing pole or other

Support Structure that is owned, controlled or leased by a utility, the City or other

person or entity.

  1. Personal Wireless Service Provider or Provider means an entity that provides

personal wireless communication services to the public or citizens of the City on a

commercial basis and is authorized by the FCC to provide those services.

  1. Private Property means real property located within the corporate limits of the City

that does not lie within the Right-of-Way.

  1. Provider – see Personal Wireless Service Provider.
  2. Right-Of-Way or Rights-Of-Way, whether singular or plural, means the surface and

space in, upon, above, along, across, over and below any public streets, avenues,

highways, roads, courts, lanes, alleys, boulevards, ways, sidewalks and bicycle lanes,

including all public utility easements and public service easements within those

places, as the same now or may hereafter exist, that are within the City’s corporate

boundaries and under the jurisdiction of the City. This term shall not include county,

state, or federal Rights-of-Way or any property owned by any person or entity other

than the City.

  1. Small Cell Technology Facility(ies) or Facilities, whether singular or plural, means

and includes the following types of Structures: (a) antenna; and (b) associated

Accessory Equipment.

  1. Small Cell Technology Wireless Support Structure, Support Structure or Structure, whether singular or plural, means a freestanding structure designed or used to

support, or capable of supporting, Small Cell Technology Facilities, including, but

not limited to, utility poles, street light poles, traffic signal structures, rooftops, attics,

or other enclosed or open areas of a building or accessory structure, a sign, or a flag

pole. These terms do not include any decorative and architecturally significant street

light poles that are inappropriate for use as a Support Structure as determined by the

City Engineer.

  1. Stealth Technology means one or more methods of concealing or minimizing the

visual impact of a Small Cell Technology Facility (and associated Accessory

Equipment) and Support Structure by incorporating features or design elements which

either totally or partially conceal such Facilities or Equipment. The use of these

design elements is intended to produce the result of having said Facilities and

associated Structures blend into the surrounding environment and/or disguise, shield,

hide or create the appearance that the Facilities architectural component of the

Support Structure.

Section 2. Permit Required to Place Small Cell Technology Facilities in Rights-Of-Way. A. Provider or Applicant must obtain a permit from the City before placing, installing, or

constructing any Small Cell Technology Facility (and associated Accessory

Equipment) on any Support Structure that is located on the Right-Of-Way, or

substantially modifying the position or characteristics of any such existing Facility


  1. The City Engineer will review and administratively process any request for a permit

to determine whether, in the exercise of the City Engineer’s reasonable discretion, it

should be issued for the location and in the manner requested by the Applicant. In

this process, the burden is on the Provider or Applicant to demonstrate that the

placement of the proposed Small Cell Technology Facility and associated Accessory

equipment or Support Structure on the Right-of-Way is the minimal physical

installation which will achieve the goal of enhancing the provision of personal

wireless service when considering all pertinent factors discussed in the provision

immediately below. Except as set forth in this section this permitting process will be

administrative and not require the approval of any City Board or City Official other

than the City Engineer. The factors, requirements and guidelines that the City

Engineer may consider and will apply when determining whether to issue a permit for

placement of Small Cell Technology Facilities and associated Structure on the RightOf-Way include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. the demonstrated need for placing the Structures at the requested location and

geographic area in order to deliver or enhance personal wireless service;

  1. the visual impact of placing the Support Structure or Facilities in the subject


  1. the character of the area in which the Structures are requested, including

surrounding buildings, properties, and uses;

  1. whether the appearance and placement of the requested Structures is

aesthetically consistent with the immediate area;

  1. whether the Structures are consistent with the historic nature and

characteristics of the requested location;

  1. the Applicant’s or Provider’s network coverage objective and whether the

Applicant or Provider should use available or previously unconsidered

alternative locations to place the Support Structures or Facilities;

  1. Colocation. To the extent practical, all Facilities and associated Accessory

Equipment that are placed in the City shall be attached to a pre-existing

Support Structure that is owned, controlled or leased by a utility, franchisee,

the City or other entity. If the Applicant demonstrates that no colocation

opportunities exist in the area where a technologically documented need for a

Facility exists, the Applicant may request that a new pole or other Support

Structure be installed in that area for purposes of constructing the Facilities.

Before any new Support Structure is permitted, each of the following must


a.The Applicant must have provided the City written evidence that no

practical colocation opportunity exists. This evidence shall include,

but not be limited to, affidavits, correspondence, or other written

information that demonstrates that the Applicant has taken all

commercially reasonable actions to achieve colocation in the requested

location or area, that the Applicant has perused but been denied access

to all potential colocation sites in the subject area (and the reasons for

any such denial(s)), and otherwise show that the Applicant is unable to

co-locate on an existing Support Structure;

  1. The City Engineer must recommend the placement of a new

Support Structure in the Right-of-Way; and

c.The City Council must approve the recommendation of the City

Engineer to issue a permit that includes the placement of a new

Support Structure in the Right-of-Way. The City Council will

consider whether to approve any such new Structures at a regular

Council meeting that will be conducted as soon as practical after the

City Engineer’s recommendation is made.

  1. If a Facility is attached to a utility pole or other Support Structure in the

Right-Of-Way, no antenna or other part of the Facility shall extend no more

than five (5) feet above the height of that structure; provided that, in the event

that the Applicant demonstrates that National Electric Safety Code regulations

or other factors create an undue hardship in complying with this height

requirement, the City Engineer may permit a Facility to extend up to ten (10)

feet above the height of such Support Structure;

  1. The Accessory Equipment shall, if reasonably possible, be placed at least ten

(10) feet above the ground;

  1. The color of Antenna and Accessory Equipment shall be compatible with that

of the Support Structure;

  1. The Facility (including the Accessory Equipment) shall not be illuminated;
  2. Whether the proposed installation could cause harm to the public or pose any

undue risk to public safety;

  1. Whether the proposed installation may interfere with vehicular traffic, passage

of pedestrians, or other use of the Right-Of-Way by the public; and

  1. If the proposed installation will disturb conditions on the Right-Of-Way,

whether the Applicant can demonstrate its ability and financial resources to

restore the subject area to its pre-existing condition following installation.

  1. Application Process.
  2. At a minimum, each application for a permit shall contain all of the following:

a.Engineering drawings depicting the type of Facilities, Support

Structure, and means and points at which such Facilities and

associated Accessory Equipment will be attached to a Support


  1. Map(s) designating with specificity the location(s) of the requested


c.If the Facilities will be located on a Support Structure on the Right-OfWay that is owned by any entity other than the City or the Applicant, a

copy of any license, lease, agreement or other documentation

evidencing that the owner of that Support Structure authorizes the

Facilities to be attached thereto or agrees in principle to authorize that

attachment, provided that, if a representation is made to the City that

the attachment has been authorized in principle by the owner of the

Support Structure but the Applicant subsequently fails to furnish the

City documentation that finalizes any such agreement, the City may

refuse to issue the requested permit until that documentation is

provided, or, if the City issues the requested permit before receiving

such final documentation, the subject permit may be revoked and any

license to use that part of the Right-Of-Way be rescinded.

  1. If the Applicant requests permission to place Facilities on a new

Support Structure, the substantiation therefor required by Section 2,

Paragraph B-7 of this ordinance.

e.An application shall not be deemed complete until the Applicant has

submitted all documents, information, forms and fees specifically

enumerated in this Ordinance that pertain to the location, construction,

or configuration of the Facilities or Support Structures at the requested

location(s). Within thirty (30) calendar days after an application for

permit is submitted, the City shall notify the Applicant in writing if

any additional information is needed to complete that application or

supplemental information is required to process the request. If the

City does not notify the Applicant in writing that the application is

incomplete within thirty (30) days following its receipt, the application

is deemed complete.

  1. Time for Processing Application. Unless another date is specified in a written

agreement between the City and the Applicant, the City will have the

following time periods to make its final decision to approve or disapprove an

application for a permit contemplated in this ordinance and advise the

Applicant in writing of that determination:

a.Sixty (60) calendar days from the date an application for a permit is

filed with respect to a request to co-locate Facilities on an existing

Support Structure; and

  1. Ninety (90) calendar days from the date an application for a permit

is filed with respect to a request to attach Facilities to a new Support


To the extent additional information is required to complete the

application after it is filed, the applicable calendar day review period set

forth in this subsection shall be tolled and not continue to run until the

Applicant has provided any missing or requested supplemental

information; provided that tolling shall not occur if the City does not

advise the Applicant in writing of the incompleteness of a submitted

application within thirty (30) days after that submission.

  1. Reconsideration/Appeal. Any Applicant that desires reconsideration of an

administrative diction by the City Engineer to deny a request for a permit to

place a Facility or Support Structure on the Right-Of-Way may seek review,

modification or reversal of that decision by the City Council by submitting a

request for reconsideration with the City Clerk within twenty-one (21)

calendar days following the City Engineer’s decision. That request for

reconsideration will be considered by the City Council at a regular Council

meeting that will be conducted as soon as practical after the request for

reconsideration is made. If no request of reconsideration is submitted, the

decision of the City Engineer will be final. Additionally, the Applicant, within

thirty (30) days following a decision by the City Council to deny either a) a

request for reconsideration or b) a decision by City Council to not approve the

placement of a new Support Structure on the Right-of-Way, may appeal either

of those decisions by the City Council to the Sixteenth Circuit Court of

Etowah County, Alabama, as applicable. If no appeal of those decisions of

the City Council is made, those will be deemed final.

  1. Additional Requirements. Any Provider or Applicant to whom a permit is issued and

that places Facilities and associated Support Structures on the Right-Of-Way also

shall comply with the following requirements as long as those Facilities and Support

Structures are on or under the Right-of-Way:

  1. Prior to installing the Facilities or Support Structures, the Applicant shall

provide the City a certificate(s) of insurance evidencing that it has obtained

and will maintain the following types of insurance in connection with its

operations on or use of the Right-Of-Way:

a.General Liability Coverage insuring the risk of claims for damages to

persons or property arising from or related to the installation,

construction, maintenance, operation or any use of the Facility or

Support Structure placed on or along the Right-of-Way by the

Applicant (or any of their contractors) with minimum limits of

$1,000,000 per occurrence; and

  1. Workers Compensation Insurance as required by statute.

The General Liability coverage shall list the City of Gadsden, Alabama as an

additional insured, and may be provided through a combination of a primary

and umbrella policies. All insurance policies shall be furnished by insurers

who are reasonably acceptable to the City and authorized to transact business

in the State of Alabama. On an annual basis following initial installation, the

Applicant also shall furnish the City a Certificate indicating that the abovenoted coverage remains and will remain in effect. The City shall allow the

applicant to provide a certificate of self-insurance in lieu of these provisions

and must affirm adequate financial security on the part of the self-insured


  1. All Facilities and associated Support Structures shall be installed, erected,

maintained and operated in compliance with applicable federal and state laws

and regulations, including, but not limited to, regulations of the FCC.

  1. Following the installation of any Facilities and associated Support Structures,

the Provider or Applicant, upon reasonable request and for good cause, shall

furnish the City Engineer a written certification from a licensed professional

engineer in the State of Alabama stating that those Structures have been

inspected and are being maintained, operated and used in compliance with all

applicable laws and regulations, including those of the FCC that pertain to the

transmission of wireless communication signals. For purposes of this

provision, “good cause” shall mean circumstances have arisen that indicate

the Facilities and associated Support Structures have been damaged, are not

functioning in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, or otherwise

pose a hazard to the public. If those Support Structures should fail at any time

to comply with applicable laws and regulation, the Provider or Applicant, at

either of their expense, shall cause those Structures to be brought into

compliance with said laws and regulations within fifteen (15) days of the date

of any written notice to them from the City Engineer of non-compliance, or

cease all personal wireless service operations related to those Structures until

the Applicant or Provider comes into full compliance with said laws and


  1. The Facilities and associated Support Structures must at all times be

maintained in good and safe condition. On no more frequent than a triennial

basis, the City Engineer may request that the Provider or Applicant, at either

of their expense, furnish certification from a professional engineer who is

licensed in the State of Alabama that the Facilities and Support Structures are

in sound condition. Should that engineer deem those Structures unsound, the

Provider or Applicant shall furnish to the City Engineer a plan to remedy any

unsafe conditions or structural defect(s) and take that remedial action at the

Provider or Applicant’s expense.

  1. Each Applicant or Provider that applies for a permit to place Facilities

(including the Accessory Equipment) and Support Structures on the Right-OfWay and installs and utilizes those Structures shall defend, indemnify and

hold the City and its employees or officials, harmless from all demands,

losses, expenses (including attorney’s fees and court costs), claims for

personal injury or property damage, judgments or liabilities of any type that

may be asserted or claimed against the City (or its employees or officials) by

any third person, firm or entity that arise out of or relate in any manner to the

following: 1) the installation, construction, maintenance, use or operation of

the permitted Facilities, Accessory Equipment or any Support Structure on or

about the Right-Of-Way; and 2) the failure of the Provider or Applicant to

perform any of their respective responsibilities, obligations, and permit

requirements in this ordinance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Provider or

Applicant shall not be obligated to indemnity the City for claims resulting

from the sole negligence or willful acts of the City (or its representatives).

  1. Permit and License Fees. The Applicant for a permit to place Facilities and

associated Support Structures on the Right-of-Way shall pay the following types of


  1. An application and review fee to be paid when an application is submitted

for (i) Permits for the placement of Communications Facilities that are not

poles, $500 for up to five Communications Facilities plus $100 for each

additional Communications Facility included in the permit; and (ii) for

Permits for the placement of Communications Facilities that are poles,


  1. An annual license fee shall be as follows: (i) for new Provider poles or

ground mountings and any Communications Facilities initially installed

thereon by Provider, $270 per site, per year, per Permit; (ii) for

attachments of Communications Facilities to third-party poles, $270.00

per site, per year, per Permit; (iii) and for Communications Facilities

installed on any city-owned structure, $270.00 per site, per year, per


  1. Removal, Relocation or Modification of Small Wireless Facility in the Right-of-Way.
  2. Ninety (90) Day Notice to Remove, Relocate or Modify. Whenever the City

reasonably determines that the relocation is needed as described below, then

within ninety (90) days following written notice from the City, the Applicant

shall, at its own expense, protect, support, temporarily or permanently

disconnect, remove, relocate, change or alter the position of any small

wireless Facilities within the Rights-Of-Way whenever the City has

determined that such removal, relocation, change or alteration, is reasonably

necessary for (excluding beautification-only projects), as follows:

a.the construction, repair, maintenance, or installation of any City

improvement in or upon, or the operations of the City in or upon, the

Rights-Of-Way; and/or

  1. if required for the construction, completion, repair, relocation, or

maintenance of a City improvement or project in or upon, or the

operations of the City in or upon, the Rights-Of-Way; and/or

c.because the small cell Facility or its related equipment is interfering

with or adversely affecting proper operation of any City-owned light

poles, traffic signals, or other equipment in the Public Way; and/or

  1. to protect or preserve the public health or safety.

e.In any such case, the City shall use its best efforts to afford Applicant

a reasonably equivalent alternate location. If Applicant shall fail to

relocate any Equipment as requested by the City within a reasonable

time under the circumstances in accordance with the foregoing

provision, the City shall be entitled to relocate the Equipment at

Applicant’s sole cost and expense, without further notice to Applicant.

If, at any time during the Term for which the permit is granted, the

City determines that utility Facilities will be placed underground in an

area including any City-owned Facilities upon which Applicant has

installed Equipment, Applicant and the City will cooperate in good

faith on the design and installation, at Applicant’s costs, of suitable

replacement of Applicant’s Facilities, including decorative streetlight

poles; and Applicant agrees that if reasonably required by the City

Engineer or his designee in order to ensure appropriately even and

level lighting within a previously unlighted area, additional Facilities,

which may include decorative streetlight poles beyond or more

numerous than those required for Applicant’s Facilities, shall be

installed. Applicant agrees that decorative streetlight poles may be

required by the City in the future in the place of initially-installed

standard-design streetlight poles, in which replacement of the

Applicant’s Facilities and Equipment on decorative streetlights that

were initially installed standard-design streetlight poles shall be solely

at Applicant’s cost. Further, Applicant agrees that in such instances

and at such time as replacement poles are installed, the City may

reasonably require that the configuration and/or location of ground

furniture (which references any equipment on the ground that is

needed to supply power or backhaul services to the small cell Facility)

and/or pole-mounted equipment or equipment cages be changed (such

as changing from pole-mounted equipment cages to ground furniture),

in the discretion of the City.

  1. Emergency Removal or Relocation of Facilities. The City retains the Right

and privilege to cut or move any small wireless Facility or related structure

located within the Rights-of-Way of the City, as the City may determine to be

necessary, appropriate or useful in response to any public health or safety

emergency. If circumstances permit, the City shall notify the Applicant and

provide the Applicant an opportunity to move its own Facilities, if possible,

prior to cutting electrical service or removing a Facility and shall notify the

wireless Provider after cutting or removing a small wireless Facility.

Section 3. Placement of Small Cell Technology Facilities on Private Property. A. A Provider or Applicant must obtain a permit from the City before placing, installing,

or constructing any Small Cell Technology Facility (and associated Accessory

Equipment) on any Support Structure that is located on private property, or

substantially modifying the position or characteristics of any such existing Facility


  1. The City Engineer will review and administratively process any request for a permit

to determine whether, in the exercise of the City Engineer’s reasonable discretion, it

should be issued for the location and in the manner requested. In this process, the

burden is on the Applicant to demonstrate that the placement of the proposed Small

Cell Technology Facility and associated Accessory Equipment or Support Structure

on private property is the minimal physical installation which will achieve the

technological goal of enhancing the provision of personal wireless services. Except as

set forth in this section, this permitting process will not require the approval of any

City Board or City official other than the City Engineer. The factors, guidelines and

requirements that the City Engineer may consider and will apply when determining

whether to issue a permit for placement of Facilities and any associated Accessory

Equipment or Support Structure on private property include, but are not limited to,

the following:

  1. The factors and requirements set forth in Section 2 of this Ordinance Number


  1. Colocation. The guidelines in Section 2 of this Ordinance Number ______ to

utilize existing poles and Support Structures for the placement of Facilities

and Accessory Equipment are also applicable when considering whether to

permit the installation of those Facilities and Support Structures on private

property, provided that City Council approval is not required before a permit

is issued to place a new pole or other Support Structure on private property if

that action is appropriate.

  1. The Provider or Applicant shall use Stealth Technology when installing the

Facilities and associated Accessory Equipment on any building or accessory

to that building that is located on private property. Further, Stealth

Technology should be used when placing Facilities on other types of Support

Structures on private property unless the Applicant can reasonably

demonstrate that, given the nature of the requested application, the use of such

Technology is (a) unnecessary; or (b) impractical.

  1. If Facilities are placed on an existing or new building or accessory to that

building, the following dimensional regulations shall apply:

a.Façade-mounted antennas shall not extend above the face of any wall

or exterior surface of the building.

  1. Roof-mounted antennas and Accessory Equipment may be

permitted on buildings in accordance with the following table:

Height of Building Maximum Height of Facility Required Setback from

above Highest Point of Roof Edge of Roof of Building

Up to 15 feet 8 feet, including antenna 1 foot for every foot of

height of equipment

15-35 feet 10 feet, including antenna 1 foot for every foot of

height of equipment

More than 35 feet 12 feet, including antenna 1 foot for every foot of

height of equipment

c.The antenna component of the Facilities shall be limited to a

maximum height of three (3) feet and a maximum width of two (2)

feet; provided that authorization to install antenna up to six (6) feet in

height may be permitted if a showing of the technological need for

such equipment is made and other requirements of this Section are


  1. Accessory Equipment must be located in an equipment cabinet,

equipment room in an existing building or in an unmanned equipment

building. If the equipment building is freestanding, it shall conform to

the Gadsden Municipal Code with respect to building setbacks, that

building shall not exceed 400 square feet, and its overall height shall

be limited to 15 feet (if located on the ground) measured from the

finished grade. Further, if an equipment building or cabinet is located

in a residential zone, or the nearest adjoining property is in a

residential zone, that building or cabinet shall be surrounded by

landscaping to provide a screen of the same height as the building or


  1. Application Process. Except as provided in paragraphs a and b immediately

below, the same application process that is set forth in Section 2 (c) will be

utilized when processing any request for a permit to place Facilities or

Support Structures on private property, except that:

a.City Council approval to install a new Support Structure on private

property is not a condition for a permit to place Facilities thereon; and

  1. If the Facilities are located on private property that is not owned

or exclusively used by the Applicant, instead of providing the

documentation contemplated in Section 2(c)(1)(c), the Applicant shall

present a license, lease, agreement or other documentation indicating

that owner of said property authorizes the Applicant the Rights to

place the Facilities thereon and access thereto, or that such owner

agrees in principle to grant the Applicant those Rights; provided that,

if a representation is made to the City that the owner of private

property has agreed in principle to grant those Rights but the Applicant

subsequently fails to furnish the City documentation that finalizes any

such agreement, the City may refuse to issue the requested permit until

the documentation is provided, or, if the City issues the requested

permit before receiving such final documentation, the subject permit

and license may be revoked.

  1. Additional Requirements. Any Provider or Applicant to whom a permit is

issued and that places Facilities and associated Support Structures on private

property also shall comply with the following requirements as long as those

Facilities and Support Structures are located thereon:

a.All Facilities and Support Structures shall be installed, erected, and

maintained in compliance with applicable federal and state laws and

regulations, including, but not limited to, regulations of the FCC.

  1. At least triennially following the installation of the Facilities or

associated Support Structures, upon reasonable request and for good

cause, the Applicant shall furnish the City Engineer a written

certification from a professional engineer licensed in the State of

Alabama indicating that those Structures have been inspected and are

being maintained, operated and used in compliance with all applicable

laws and regulations, including those of the FCC that pertain to the

transmission of wireless communication signals. For purposes of this

provision, “good cause” shall mean circumstances have arisen that

indicate the Facilities and associated Support Structures have been

damaged, are not functioning in compliance with applicable laws and

regulations, or otherwise pose a hazard to the public. If those

Structures fail at any time to comply with said laws and regulations,

the Provider or Applicant shall cause those Structures to be brought

into compliance with said laws and regulations within fifteen (15) days

of the date of any written notice to either of them of such noncompliance, or cease all personal wireless communications operations

related to those Structures until the Provider or Applicant comes into

full compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

c.The Facilities and associated Support Structures on private property

must at all times be maintained in good and safe condition.

  1. Permit and License Fees. The Provider or Applicant for a permit to place Facilities

and associated Support Structures on private property shall pay the following types of

fees that are enumerated in the City’s officially adopted Fee Structure Ordinance as


  1. a permit application and review fee of $200.00 to be paid when an application

is submitted; and,

  1. a permit issuance fee of $100.00 per each Support Structure on private

property contemplated for attachment.

Section 4. Abandonment of Facilities on Right-of-Way. If a Provider or Applicant abandons any Facility (including the Accessory Equipment) or

an associated Support Structure (collectively “Facilities” for purposes of this Section) that is

located on the Right-Of-Way, the following rights and obligations shall exist. The City may

require the Provider or Applicant, at their expense, to remove and reclaim the abandoned

Facilities within sixty (60) days from the date of written notice of Abandonment given by the

City to them and to reasonably restore the condition of the property at which the Facilities are

located to that existing before they were installed. If the Provider or Applicant fails to remove

and reclaim its abandoned Facilities within such 60-day period and the Facilities are located on

the Right-Of-Way, the City shall have the rights to:

  1. remove them and charge its expense of any such removal operation to the account

of the Provider or Applicant,

  1. purchase all abandoned Facilities at the subject location from the Provider or

Applicant in consideration for $1.00,

  1. at the City’s discretion, either resell the abandoned Facilities to a third party or

dispose and salvage them; provided that the proceeds of any resale of abandoned

Facilities by the City to a third party shall be credited to the account of the

Applicant or Provider that used those Facilities before the abandonment, and

  1. charge any expense incurred by the City to restore the Right-of-Way to the

account of the Provider or Applicant.

Section 5. Colocation. Unless otherwise prohibited by Federal law, to promote the public interest that is served

by co-locating Facilities and associated Accessory Equipment on existing Support Structures and

thereby mitigating the installation of additional Support Structures throughout the City, no

person or entity (including any Provider, Applicant, utility, or franchisee) that utilizes an existing

Support Structure that is located on Right-of-Way in the City and has space available thereon

may deny a Provider or Applicant the Right to use or access an existing Support Structure for

purposes of attaching Facilities permitted by this ordinance without sound operational,

technological or other good reason.

Section 6. Non-Applicability. The placement of an antenna(s), Facilities or equipment related to the following types of

wireless communication services are exempt from regulation under this ordinance:

  1. Amateur radio service that is licensed by the FCC if the Facilities related thereto are

not used or licensed for any commercial purpose; and

  1. Facilities used by any federal, state or local government or agency to provide safety

or emergency services.

Section 7. Repealer. All Ordinances or parts of ordinances heretofore adopted by the City Council of the City

of Gadsden, Alabama that are inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby

expressly repealed.

Section 8. Severability.

If any part, section or subdivision of this ordinance shall be held unconstitutional or

invalid for any reason, such holding shall not be construed to invalidate or impair the remainder

of this ordinance, which shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding such holding.

Section 9. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption and

posting/publication as provided by Alabama law.

Done, Ordered, Approved and Adopted this the 7th day of April, 2020.

Iva Nelson, City Clerk

May 1, 2020















including any persons claiming any present

interest therein and including any persons

claiming any future, contingent, reversionary,

remainder, or other interest therein, who may

claim any interest in the above described property,



NOTICE ISSUED TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS: any and all unknown parties, including any persons claiming any present interest therein and including any persons claiming any future contingent, reversionary, reminder, or other interest therein, who may claim any interest in the above described real property:

East 25 feet of lot 178 of the original survey of Gadsden, on unrecorded plat.

Please take notice that Maurice Johnson and Katie G. Johnson have filed an action in the Circuit Court of Etowah County seeking to quiet title to the above described property. The above named defendants, whose whereabouts are unknown, must answer said Complaint on or before May 25, 2020, or thereafter a judgment by default may be rendered against the said Defendants in Etowah County Circuit Court Case Number CV-2020-90024.

Done this 23 day of April, 2020


Clerk of the Court

April 24, May 1, 8 and 15, 2020






You will take notice that a Petition for the Adoption of a child born April 22, 2019 to ALLANAH NICOLE TURLEY, natural mother, set to be heard on June 23, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.

Please be advised that should you intent to contest this adoption, you must file a written response within thirty (30) days of the date of the last publication herein with John W. Jennings, Jr., whose name and address is shown below, and with the Clerk of the Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama, Courthouse, 800 Forrest Avenue, Gadsden, AL 35901.

Done this 6th day of April, 2020.

John W. Jennings, Jr.

Jennings & Messer, P.C.

111 South 10th Street

Gadsden, AL 35901

April 10, 17, 24 & May 1, 2020






You will take notice that a Petition for the Adoption of a minor child born to Talia Simone Morris Duarte, a natural mother, set to be head on June 25,2020 at 10:00 AM, was filed on 24h day of March 2020, alleging that the identity of the natural father is unknown or has not been disclosed to the Court (or his whereabouts are not known), and whose relationship of said unknown or disclosed natural parent to the aforesaid minor child is that of putative father. Minor child’s birth date is April 11, 2017.

Please be advised that should you intend to contest this adoption, you must file a written response within thirty (30) days of the date of the last publication herein, with Shaun Malone, whose name and address us shown below, and with the Clerk of the Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama, P.O. Box 187, Gadsden, AL. 35902.

Done this the 23rd day of April, 2020.

Attorney for the Petitioner:

Shaun Malone, Esquire

P.O. Box 1039

Gadsden, AL. 35902

May 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2020



In the Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama


Notice to any Unknown or Undisclosed Parent of: Baby Boy Taylor

You will take notice that a petition for the adoption of Baby Boy Taylor, a minor (born to Marcia Leanna Taylor on February 21, 2020 in Etowah County, Alabama) was filed on February 26, 2020 in the Probate Court of Eatowah County, Alabama, alleging that the identity of the natural parent of said minor child may be unknown or has not been correctly disclosed to the Court, and whose relationship of said possible unknown or undisclosed natural parent to the aforesaid minor child is that of the Natural Parent.

Please be advised that should you intend to contest this adoption, you must file a written response within thirty (30) days of the date of the last publication herein with Amy M. Osborne whose name and address is shown below, and with the Clerk of the Probate Court of Etowah County, Courthouse, in Gadsden, Alabama.

Done this the 6th day of April, 2020.

Amy M. Osborne, Esq.

Osborne Law Firm, LLC.

4770 Eastern Valley Road, Suite 111

The Shoppes At Leston Farms, PBM 106

McCalla, AL. 35111

May 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2020





You will take notice that a petition for the adoption of the child born to Earica Nicole Bryant, was filed on April 15, 2020, and is set to be heard on the 1st day of July 2020

at 10:00 AM, alleging that the whereabouts of the natural parent of said minor child is

Unknown and has not been disclosed to the Court. The minor child’s date of birth is: July 13, 2013.

Please be advised that should you intend to contest this adoption, you must file a written response within thirty (30) days of the date of the last publication herein with counsel for the petitioner, whose name is shown below, and with the Clerk of Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama, P.O. Box 187, Gadsden, AL. 35902.

Done this the 627th day of April 2020.

Scott Hassell, Probate Judge

Jack Floyd, Esquire

808 Chestnut Street

Gadsden, Al. 35901

May 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2020





CASE NO: CV-20-900166-CDR

STATE OF ALABAMA, ex rel: Etowah County Drug Enforcement Unit,



$1,581.00 U.S. Currency,


In Re: Ryan



WHEREAS, the State of Alabama has filed its complaint in the above-described action seeking condemnation, forfeiture and ultimate disposition of the above described currency. You are hereby notified that you must answer said Complaint by the 5th day of June 2020. Failure to file such answer shall result in your loss of any claimed owner’s or other interest in said currency.

DONE this the 2nd day of April, 2020

Cassandra Johnson, Circuit Clerk

Etowah County, Alabama

April 10, 17, 24 & May 1, 2020





CASE NO: CV-20-900165-CDR

STATE OF ALABAMA, ex rel: Etowah County Drug Enforcement Unit,



1999 Toyota 4Runner

VIN# JT3GN87R7X0124610,


In Re: Gary Blake Whitt, David E.



WHEREAS, the State of Alabama has filed its complaint in the above-described action seeking condemnation, forfeiture and ultimate disposition of the above described vehicle. You are hereby notified that you must answer said Complaint by the 5th day of June 2020. Failure to file such answer shall result in your loss of any claimed owner’s or other interest in said vehicle.

DONE this the 2nd day of April, 2020

Cassandra Johnson, Circuit Clerk

Etowah County, Alabama

April 10, 17, 24 & May 1, 2020





CASE NO: CV-20-900198-CDR

STATE OF ALABAMA, ex rel: Etowah County Drug Enforcement Unit,



$1,479.00 U.S. Currency,


In Re: Kristopher Yow, Jr.


WHEREAS, the State of Alabama has filed its complaint in the above-described action seeking condemnation, forfeiture and ultimate disposition of the above described currency. You are hereby notified that you must answer said Complaint by the 5th day of June 2020. Failure to file such answer shall result in your loss of any claimed owner’s or other interest in said currency.

DONE this the 2nd day of April, 2020

Cassandra Johnson, Circuit Clerk

Etowah County, Alabama

April 10, 17, 24 & May 1, 2020





CASE NO: CV-20-900049-GCD

STATE OF ALABAMA, ex rel: Etowah County Drug Enforcement Unit,



$3,000.00 U.S. Currency,

Ruger SR9 9MM

Serial # 331-84599,

Mosin Nagant Rifle

Marlin 30/30

Serial # 15053933

Revelation 12GA

Serial # H540412

Remington 20GA

Serial # 3818472

Stevens 12GA

Serial # 0666765


In Re: Thomas Burns

Jacqueline Chandler


WHEREAS, the State of Alabama has filed its complaint in the above-described action seeking condemnation, forfeiture and ultimate disposition of the above described currency and property. You are hereby notified that you must answer said Complaint by the 19th day of June 2020. Failure to file such answer shall result in your loss of any claimed owner’s or other interest in said currency.

DONE this the 20th day of April, 2020

Cassandra Johnson, Circuit Clerk

Etowah County, Alabama

April 24, May 1, 8 and 15, 2020





CASE NO: CV-20-900216-GCD

STATE OF ALABAMA, ex rel: Etowah County Drug Enforcement Unit,



$1,500.00 U.S. Currency,


In Re: Billy

Freeman Abner


WHEREAS, the State of Alabama has filed its complaint in the above-described action seeking condemnation, forfeiture and ultimate disposition of the above described currency. You are hereby notified that you must answer said Complaint by the 12th day of June 2020. Failure to file such answer shall result in your loss of any claimed owner’s or other interest in said currency.

DONE this the 14th day of April, 2020

Cassandra Johnson, Circuit Clerk

Etowah County, Alabama

April 17, 24, May 1 and 8, 2020



Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will proceed to take possession of the following described abandoned vehicle (s) on 05/29/2020

2005 Nissan Murano – VIN: JN8AZ08W65W405985

Thacker Towing

927 5th Avenue NE

Attalla, AL 35954

(256) 546-9994

April 24 and May 1, 2020



Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will proceed to take possession of the following described abandoned vehicle (s) on 06/05/2020

2008 Ford F-150 – VIN: 1FTPW14V38KD95137

2011 Toyota Corolla – VIN: 2T1B U4EE3BC646196

Thacker Towing

927 5th Avenue NE

Attalla, AL 35954

(256) 546-9994

May 1 and 8, 2020



Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will proceed to take possession of the following described abandoned vehicle (s) on 06/05/2020

2002 Dodge Dakota – VIN: 1B7HL38N32S578757

John Smith

2548 Hickory Street

Gadsden, AL. 35904


May 1 and 8, 2020
































































































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