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People of Etowah – Beth Cline

Name: Beth Cline

Where were you born and raised?

“I was born at the Holy Name of Jesus Hospital and have lived in Etowah County my entire life.”

What is your occupation?

“I have been a registered nurse in Etowah County since 2002. I have worked in both acute care, which is hospital -based, and post acute care, which focuses on patients who have transitioned to home after a hospital stay.”

What made you decide to work in your field?

“I was born with an inherent need to help people. I knew from a very early age that my calling was in the medical field. As I have grown in my career, I know that if I am not at the bedside caring for a patient, I am supposed to be supporting someone who is.”

Tell us about your family and pets.

“I am married to my wonderful husband, Chas Cline. We have been married for 14 years. We have two children, Anna Grace and Jay Christian.”

Describe an average day in your life.

“I have learned that when you ask the Lord to guide your days, they are full of surprises! I am currently working on my master’s degree in nursing, so any free time that I have I sneak in some studying. I am so fortunate to have been able to take some time off of work recently to focus on school work. But my children keep me busy. I love to volunteer at their school (Coosa Christian) whenever needed. I also love to go down to the church (City Church) and help with ministry opportunities or just pray with and for people.”

What school or schools have you attended?

“I graduated from Etowah High School in 1999. I received my associates degree in applied science- Registered Nursing in 2002. I am currently enrolled in the RN-MSN Leadership and Management program at WGU.”

What do you like to do in your free time?

“I enjoy reading and studying. I also write daily devotions to encourage others in this daily journey called life. Each devotion is posted on my facebook page.”

What would you say is your greatest accomplishment?

“I do not think that I have a “greatest” accomplishment. Every day, we all have 1,440 minutes called opportunity. If we use every one of those minutes doing the right thing for each other, those small accomplishments are great.”

Name the one person that has been the most influential in your life. Why?

“It’s hard to name just one. But, my parents are fine examples of resiliency and stability. They have been married for 38 years. They always taught me to work hard and never give up.”

To what do you credit your success?

“My faith. I believe that God had an infinite plan in mind when He created each of us. We were all designed to be the image of Him. Therefore, we all have measures of greatness inside of us…we just have to find what we are most passionate about…and go for it.”

Are you involved in any service organizations?

“I currently serve as the president of the PACT coalition here in Gadsden. The PACT coalition is a group of healthcare providers from all settings who have joined together to help de-crease hospitalizations and keep patient’s safe. As a healthcare provider, my num-ber one goal is to make sure that each patient under my care has the most positive outcome possible.”

What is your favorite thing about this community?

“When a need arises in the community, there are no boundaries. Competitive walls dissolve. A perfect example was when the tornados passed through Southside in March. Neighbors still go out and help neighbors. I have seen so many true acts of love and service. This makes our community great.”

What would you like to see change in the community?

“I think we all need to have a better knowledge of the drug problem here in Gadsden. I have seen evidence that not only is the problem real, it is spreading ferociously. I think if the community were more educated, we would all develop a passion to fight the war on drugs in Etowah County.”

What are three words that describe you?

“Passionate, compassionate and giving.”

What is something surprising that many do not know about you?

“I teach a class at City Church on Spiritual Growth and Developing Healthy Habits of a Believer. The class is called City Life. It is a four-week class for people who are new to our church or for those who are new to or wanting to strengthen their faith. I learn something new every session.”

What is your favorite quote?

“Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture your heart.”– Ancient Indian Proverb.

What is on your bucket list?

“I have a five-year plan of strategic goals to accomplish, but not necessarily before I die. But, my goal is to get to Heaven and take as many people with me as possible.

What is your hidden talent?

“Hidden? LOL! If I have a talent, I’m gonna tell every-one about it. Those things are precious and hard to come by.”

If a movie were made about your life, who would you want to play you?

“I would like to think I could name someone like Audrey Hepburn or Mother Teresa. But, let’s just be honest,  Madea would do just fine.”

What advice would you give yourself as a child?

“There are going to be lots of opportunities to give up. Don’t give up. You will encounter defeat. But that does not mean you are defeated. When you can’t control what is happening, control how you react to it. That is where the power is.”

If you would like to nominate someone for the People of Etowah column, email or call 256-547-1049.

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