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Pondering life with Pious Bob: Hold hands, Hold Hands with God

By Robert Halsey Pine

“…Blessed are the eyes that see what you see!” (Luke 10:17-24 NRSV).

Jesus tells the disciples that prophets and kings have desired to see and hear what they have seen and heard, but did not. Bonding with Jesus has tremendous benefits. Once committed to Christ our whole view changes. Things that were important fall away and other things move ahead. To fully experience human-ness we must lock-on to the spiritual.

Like the prophet or the king, we can live a lifetime in the dark, never really knowing our true Father. Our churches are full of people seeking a deeper meaning to life. Many times, however, even at church we can’t get out of the way and let God in.

Getting to know our Lord is a discipline, a life’s work. You can’t treat Him like an old friend that you went to school with and haven’t seen in 20 years. Someone you have fond memories of, but haven’t communicated with since graduation.

And what if your old school chum lives down the street and you seldom see or talk to him or her. That won’t work with God. He’s not just down the street; He’s in your house. He comes to dinner and goes to the movies with you. He’s there when you scold your child, argue with your spouse and while you sleep.

He’s attached to you. He’s everywhere you go. What is it that allows us to ignore Him most of the time? We already have a close proximity relationship with God. We just need to speak to Him more often. Since He’s so close by, ask Him to hand you the phone so you can call your old school chum.

Father God, I know that You’re with me every day, every hour, every minute. I’m so sorry that I ignore You most of the time. Please help me understand that You’re not here to bother me. And if I acknowledge You when I’m busy, you’ll support me in what I’m doing and steer me clear of a harmful path. Thanks God, for being there for me all the time. Please help me open my eyes and ears to You. I want to hold Your hand. AMEN.

Robert Halsey Pine was born at Newark, Ohio in 1943. He is a graduate of Northeastern University and completed the program of Theological Education by Extension: Education for Ministry, School of Theology, the University of the South.

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