Pictured above, remodeling is underway at Glencoe’s Briarmead Shopping Center.
The City of Glencoe witnessed several successes in 2019.
The public safety building, built to include police and fire in the same building, was completed. The project put the entire public safety department together in a new 12,000 square foot building with improved communications and operations.
A new city hall was completed to house all administrative offices, municipal court, council chambers, court room and meeting rooms.
Several new restaurants and other businesses located to Glencoe, including Tre-Regazzi, Lexy’s Cheer & Tumble, O’Reilly Automotive Store, Inc, Taivas Farms, This & That, Domino’s Pizza, Autumn Yeager Photography, Wiregrass Construction and McCartney Construction.
Under its new owner, Briarmead Shopping Center currently is undergoing a complete renovation. Mi Casita restaurant will be locating there soon. Following the improvements Glencoe accomplished in 2019, the city looks forward to another prosperous year in 2020.