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Rumor on the street has it…

By Vicki Scott

I have it from a reliable source that George Wallace Senior Center will be opening back up Monday, June 14.

I‘m filled with excitement! Pat Hill, the center’s director and the person who hired me back in the day, gave me permission to plan a big party on that day. We’ve all been waiting for this day, and hopefully we’ll open with many shouts of praises. There were many activities to be revisited that will begin on this momentous occasion.

On Mondays and Wednesdays, we did exercise from 10:30 to 11 a.m. I’m not sure if I could even last that long now.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we enjoyed line dancing at 1 p.m.  I’ve missed line dancing so much that I tried to teach some steps to my daughter and two oldest grandchildren. My daughter picked up on what she already knew and helped me try to teach Saylor Rhea, but she grew frustrated and my daughter grew uninterested. Saylor Rhea later wanted to dance some more, and we did for a little while. I think she was trying to make me feel better. It worked! When I tried to get the oldest, Ava Jaymes, to dance, she wanted to go for a walk.

I think our seniors are going to see me more than they realize! Between all the line dancers, surely we can remember our dance steps. My brain needs major refreshing, though.

Every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m., we had bingo. When our center first closed due to COVID-19, I called bingo on Facebook. Along with people from our George Wallace Senior Center family, I invited people outside of the center who were on my friends list. It was an honor to hear voices of friends and family – especially my own children and grandchildren – when they called and hollered, “Bingo!” There were some folks from our church family at Cove Creek that played as well. Many times, it felt like all my families were having a reunion.

Donations were made from several places to make all the bingo possible, and I praise God for everyone who participated. It was a lot of fun, but I had to stop a few weeks ago because of my life moving around as it was.

On Fridays, exercise started at 10:15 a.m. and gospel singing was at 11. I’ve missed the old gospel hymns and the uplifting spirit it brings. I felt like taking a trip on that good old gospel ship and knowing everybody will be happy over there. I loved ending our week praising God.

June 14, 2021 is the light at the end of a tunnel for George Wallace Senior Cen-ter. Preparation will be a major task, but our seniors are worth it. I cannot wait to see everyone, even if it is just for a little while. Let the festivities and fellowship begin!

Stay safe. I look forward to seeing everyone soon!

Contact Vicki Scott at

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