By Vicki Scott
Friday, Feb. 23, was the day my husband Allan and I decided at the last minute to travel from Dadeville to George Wallace Senior Center in Glencoe to get our taxes done. Volunteers from RSVP of Etowah County do such a good job. I used to be the activities director at the center, so I got to see my people again.
We went straight into the center and signed up. The gentleman at the door did not know me and acted professionally. Soon enough, the tax ladies and the people from my former job (which was the best I ever had) came out to welcome me back. They always make me feel like somebody!
On our way up to Glencoe, I messaged my Hummingbirds group text about my plans. The Hummingbirds is the name of our senior community group, with the name inspired by my mother. We do a group text where we can communicate needs, events or just a message. I was messaging the group about my exciting plans for the day while claiming my head was in a cloud.
During our trip back to Dadeville, I messaged the group and explained how fired up I get every time I visit Glencoe. One of the newer additions to our group made a mistake and asked me what was so special about Glencoe.
I explained that the center usually has activities Monday through Friday. Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays are exercise classes. Tuesdays and Thursdays were designated for line dancing. Wednesday was Bingo Day. Gospel singing was on Fridays. There was also an art class on Mondays. In the dining area, people played dominoes and three tables were used for puzzles. There is also a book area where books can be borrowed.
The center also has an indoor walking track, with 13 rounds adding up to a mile. The last time I visited, four people were playing pickleball. All of these activities revolved around the three ladies volunteering to do free tax services.
Out of all that, our hummingbird group in Dadeville zoned in on the indoor track. Our church is in the process of building a gym-like addition, and some of the ladies in the group text are directly related to some on the building committee. Hopefully, our wish for an indoor track will get to the committee before the plans go too far.
Being at last minute as usual, we had to get back to Dadeville as soon as we could. I forgot the things I wanted to bring to the center, anyway. This whirlwind of a life we’ve gotten ourselves into is not slowing down. Our taxes are done but we hope to be back soon to Glencoe visit and enjoy the area. It was wonderful seeing everyone we were able to see at the center. Until next time, dear friends!
Vicki Scott may be contacted at