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A surprise visit, Nana Camp attendees and a re-named dog

By Vicki Scott

My grandchildren are so amazing that I could probably write about them every week. I hold my stories in my head for as long as I can but some of them are just too cute not to share.

Even now I see evidence that Saylor Rhea and Tyler Kate were here last Friday, and I smile at every clue.

Deidre Howard, one of my co-workers at the George Wallace Senior Center in Glencoe, took Friday off to be with her grandchildren. She brought them in for us to enjoy, too. We love visits from grandchildren!

Toward the end of the day, the rest of our team met to decide what part of Deidre’s job we were going to cover. Our team of four works together so closely that we are more like family who would do almost anything for each other. I praise God for this team.

After our meeting, my phone rang. My daughter was on the phone and told me to go outside. I went out to find my daughter Eva holding my youngest grandbaby, Tyler Kate. Three-year-old Saylor Rhea ran towards me, yelling, “Nana!” Saylor hugged me tight! That just does something to my soul!

Eva was amazed that everyone at the center knew who she was before I came out. I told her I did not know the reason why – I only talk about them and show their pictures all the time!

Saylor Rhea and Tyler Kate let me show them off for a few minutes while they ate the cookies I gave them. They then left to go eat lunch. Eva’s husband Trey was driving. I explained that I needed to finish a few things and that I would be about an hour. I gave them a key to get into our house.

When I met my surprise visitors at home, Saylor Rhea told me that she remembered staying at our house last year for “Nana Camp.” This was Tyler Kate’s first visit to our house. Saylor Rhea went straight to the room she stayed in for her last visit and wanted to know where her bed was.  I showed her that we still had the bed, and she pressed on. She pulled out a stool I bought her to use for the toilet, washing her hands and brushing her teeth. Saylor Rhea promptly put her stool in the bathroom for easy access.

While Saylor Rhea was running through the house and changing everything to her liking, Tyler Kate stayed right behind her. She does a unique walk/crawl and is fast!

Saylor Rhea asked where her puzzle was, and I showed her. She then put it under the bench in the living room.

The puzzle is still there, and I smile every time I look at it.

Saylor Rhea cleaned paper and books off our coffee table and ask me for something to wipe and clean it with. I gave her a paper towel and then sprayed some stuff on the table.

Because her big sister would not share the paper towel, Tyler Kate pulled herself up and wiped the table with her hand. We made sure the cleaner was safely wiped up away from the grandbabies and then gave Tyler Kate her own paper towel.  They looked so cute! The papers are still where she put them, too!

We usually give treats to our dogs Sandy and Reba on Face Time while Saylor Rhea watches. The next task at hand included tossing treats and letting our dogs catch them. At the last Nana Camp, Saylor Rhea re-named Sandy as “Sammy.”

Apparently, Sandy did not remember the name change and thus did not acknowledge being called when Saylor tried to get her attention. Saylor kept yelling, “Sammy, Sammy, Sammy!” Even though Sandy was confused, she kept eating treats and licking Saylor’s treat-tasting hands.

Every time we went outside, Saylor asked where her pool was. I responded that Papa had it. I do not know where she planned to put it.

The time came for all the visitors to head back where they came from. I enjoyed our visit so much and hated to see them leave. It should have been a quiet ride home but the grandbabies would not take a nap. I took that as a compliment. If the grandbabies enjoyed me as much as I enjoyed them, their heart and soul is full, too!

In a couple of weeks, it will be Nana Camp time. I think our grandbabies have the house ready.  The more I see the changes they made, the more I am compelled to talk about them. I cannot help it; they make my heart sing! With the memories involved, it looks like things will not be moved for a while. I am not lazy; it’s my memories!

Thanks for reading. I praise God for the grand-babies and for you!

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