By Vicki Scott
In this season in my life, my prayers have been whatever is God’s will, that’s what I want. I know He knows what is best for me, and I’m trying hard to be obedient.
When things fall into God’s will, it seems like everything fall in place. There are trials and tribulations, but something keeps us yearning for God’s will to be done. For me, I find myself seeking my will, and I feel like I fail when it is not God’s will.
I’d like to share an example of a “my will” failure. My dream home would be in the middle of about 150 acres. We found a home about 12 years ago in the middle of approximately 38 acres.
We could have purchased it if we sold our lake home, which was my husband Alan’s dream. But he liked the 38-acre property, too, so we put our lake house on the market. Not even a month after the lake house was on the market, the bottom fell out of our economy. We had potential buyers and then nothing.
The next year, the plant where my husband worked closed, and shortly after that, I lost my job due to cutbacks. I was devasted but relieved that we were not able to buy that house. We would have been in deep debt. It was also close to my job that I lost, and we did not need that. Our ownership of that house was not God’s will.
As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, my mother passed away during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was her wish for us to sell her house upon her death. It has been tough physically and emotionally cleaning and getting the place ready to sell. I could ask for help but I do not want to. I took breaks in the cleaning because of exhaustion and anguish, along with other reasons. I finally had enough and hired my brother’s sister-in-law to put our mother’s house on the market. It went live yesterday and there was a showing that night. It was shown five times today with two offers. One offer was over the asking price. I prayed for God’s will. We will see what happens.
It would be awesome to get this situation all over with, not only for me but those around me who have had to suffer through all my thoughts on every action since November 2017, when my mother took a turn for the worst and could not live by herself. I’m ready to close that chapter if it is God’s will. I miss my mother so much. Stay safe, y’all!