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God’s Word revealed for us – Everything but your freedom

By John Larkins

A book report in the August 11 edition of The Wall Street Journal detailed the horror of life under the government style promised by the democrat communist presidential candidate front runner.

Religion is totally suppressed and replaced by worship of the leader. An example is a successful businessman who has two homes, two cars and the latest iPhone. After trying for 20 years without any political trouble, he cannot get a passport to leave this hell.

“I have everything I might possibly want in life, but my freedom,” he said.

This scenario depicts Tibet, China, North Korea, Russia, and, perhaps soon, New York City or Gadsden, for those who practice Christianity, Buddhism or any other belief in a creator who provides us eternal life. Each person’s God takes care of those honors due the supreme being. But the Party wants their share!

Our freedom of religion comes as a gift from God, not a privilege from the Party. Because He is God, He has given us rules that constitute a way to live life in accordance with the One who designed us and has the “owner’s manual.”

The government does not have the right to interfere with those who decide to follow those rules. One creed or set of rules for Christians is the Ten Commandments. We follow the requirement to not murder people and know that some people do not wish to prevent killing God’s children. The democrat communists find it popular to allow this action and require all citizens to provide tax money for population control. The other political party does not believe that all citizens should be forced to fund abortion. It seems reasonable that funding should be voluntary.

The above commandment is an expression of God’s claim that He is the authority for the giving and taking of human life, as well as the ultimate source of all earthly goods. He asks that we ask Him in prayer for the material things we need and to thank Him for the gift of life and its continuing support, food, water and safety. He provides us with the learned knowledge to operate within His guidance to solve our day to day problems.

In the democrat communist structure, the leader is the go-to person for all support, provided by the government, using money from the workers, to live. In every country this government is in place or has been tried, the leaders have always failed to successfully take God’s place. Please find time to pray that God takes this terrible communist plague from us.

For some perverse reason, the democrat communists seem determined to destroy America. Each day the destruction of public and private property continues unchecked. This revolutionary army must be under contract and direction by the anti-American democrat communists, because they appear to be tireless and determined. The destruction and carnage are invisible to the bewildered and compromised news organizations.

When teenage voters finally get the bill for their role in the destruction of America, what will we tell them about why we did not stop the party of evil? Unfortunately, there is plenty of responsibility to be apportioned, besides that of the inexperienced. Mercifully, most of us will be dead soon enough. Much like the coronavirus, communists take a very dim view of the elderly.

John Larkins’ formal education includes a BS certified for science teaching, an MBA from the University of Missouri and an MPA from Jacksonville State University in public administration and environmental management. For the past 15 years, John evangelized on the street, door-to-door, in tent revivals and in church situations. Contact him at

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