By Andi Chupp

Horse camp is a lot of fun. It is one of my favorite times of the year. This year I have already attended two camps. Camp is usually three days from sun-up to sun-down. But if I get all my chores done at home and my summer reading done each day, my mom will drop me off early and pick me up later. I get to spend a little extra time with my best pal Lavender before all the camp kids show up. I would double my chores and my summer reading any day just to spend more time with Lavender.
The camp leaders usually have the camp kids break up into two groups for the three days. We get to do a lot of fun things. Some of the few things we got to do while there are: Clean the stalls, give the horses a bath, feed the horses, go on a scavenger hunt, have a water balloon fight, learn about different types of horses, learn about the anatomy of horses, do groundwork activities for grooming and tacking, do horsemanship activities, do crafts, paint the jumps, and one of my favorites, learn a routine that we got to perform with our group on the last day for our parents to see.
Our trainers teach us so much about horses and they both make it a lot of fun for everyone. Lavender and all the other horses enjoy the extra treats they get those three days along with all the love they get from all the camp kids. It’s a win-win for all of us kids and including all the horses too. If you know someone interested in attending a horse camp or riding lessons you can email for more information too: or