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My personal Hamlet moment

By Vicki Scott

As I was perusing through Facebook the other day, one of my friends shared a local job opening for a center manager. This was exciting to learn because that was my job title at George Wallace Senior Center in Glencoe not too long ago. I have two more days to beat the deadline to apply. Several pros and cons came to mind as I attempted to decide to whether or not to apply.

My husband Alan is supportive of whatever my decision will be. He offers little to no advice because wants it to be my decision. I would like some input from him, but I understand.

Almost everything described in the employment post named things I already do just down the road a few miles in Dadeville. The monthly senior luncheons I plan would need to be overseen by someone else, but several ladies could do that, and some could do it much better than me. Once a month, our group cooks a Wednesday night meal. I think that event could stay the same. Also, all the activities could be simply moved to a new location. These activities are already in action at the center down the road.

A downfall to this position would be working five days a week instead of three. I do like to plan my own schedule, and this new job would help keep me accountable and on schedule. I also feel like this job would be fulfilling to my soul, but I’ve gotten lazy.

At any rate, Alan and I agree that I’ve put too much thought into all this. I might not even be considered for the position. It might not be where God wants me. I do think that I’ll pick up an application, fill it out, submit all the proper paperwork and see what happens.

Amid all this indecision, I was offered a job for one day a week, the very during which I have no plans. The lady told me that it’s a wonderful job and that I should take it. I’m thinking about it.

Being that I somehow find the time to spend more money than I should,

It dies look like a real job is in my future Who knows. There might be some major changes in my life, or it might stay exactly as it is now.

I recently watched the movie “Facing the Giants” and heard the phrase, “Bloom where you are planted.” That is my goal for this experience, new or old. Y’all have an amazing week!

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