Councilmember Danny Wagnon of Glencoe joined more than 1,000 municipal officials, clerks, administrators and guests in Tuscaloosa on May 16 for the Annual Convention of the Alabama League of Municipalities. Municipal officials participating in the league’s Certified Municipal Officials (CMO) program received credit towards their certification for attending sessions during the convention.
Officials convened May 16 for a special Resolutions Committee meeting where delegates were presented reports and policy recommendations for the league’s five policy committees: Finance, Administration and Intergovernmental Relations; Energy, Environment and Natural Resources; Transportation, Public Safety and Communications; Human Development, Community Development and Economic Development. Resolutions on state and federal issues were also discussed and prepared for presentation to voting delegates at the Annual Business Session held May 18.
During the Opening General Session on May 16, Gov. Robert Bentley as well as Southside Mayor Wally Burns addressed conference attendees. Then the President of the League addressed the attendees. In addition, Alabama Communities of Excellence (ACE) awards were presented. On May 17, numerous concurrent sessions were held on important timely topics. A special Council/Manager Workshop was also available.
On May 18, elected municipal officials, city clerks and city administrators from small, medium and large cities met in separate rooms for roundtable discussions to network and learn from each other. The league’s annual business meeting was held at which time Executive Director Ken Smith presented the league’s annual report. Resolutions were approved and league officers were elected. Officers were installed and Distinguished Service Awards for municipal employees with 20 or more years were presented May 19, during the President’s Banquet.
May 19 featured the ever popular “Ask Your Attorney” session followed by the Closing General Session with special guest speaker University of Alabama head football coach, Nick Saban and high-energy presentation on Leadership Survival Skills for Overworked Civic Leaders by Birmingham-based motivational speaker Joyce E. Brooks.