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Legal notices for the week of Dec. 11-18, 2015





Default having been made in the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Helen V Mccartney Unmarried to Network Funding, LP dated August 24, 2010; said mortgage being recorded in Book 3337558, Page 11 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama.  Said Mortgage was last sold, assigned and transferred to Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company   Instrument 3380706 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama.

The undersigned, Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company  , under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the main entrance of the Court House in Etowah County, Alabama during the legal hours of sale (between 11am and 4pm), on the 7th day of January, 2016, the following property, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

That real property situated in the County of Etowah, State of Alabama, described as follows, to-wit: Lot 45, First Addition to Druid Park, according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book “H”, page 87 of the records in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Etowah County, Alabama.

Said property is commonly known as 506 Misty Lane, Rainbow City, AL 35906.

The indebtedness secured by said Mortgage has been and is hereby declared due and payable because of default under the terms of the Note secured by said Mortgage, including but not limited to, nonpayment of the indebtedness as and when due.  The indebtedness remains in default, and this sale will be made for the sole purpose of paying the same, including all expenses of the sale, attorney’s fees, and all other payments provided for under the terms of said Mortgage.

Said property will be sold subject to the following items, which may affect the title to said real property: all zoning ordinances; matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the property; any outstanding taxes, including but not limited to, ad valorem taxes, which constitute liens upon said property; special assessments; all outstanding bills for public utilities, which constitute liens upon said property; all restrictive covenants, easements, rights-of-way; the statutory right of redemption pursuant to Alabama law; and any other matters of record superior to said Mortgage.  To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the real property is Helen V McCartney or tenant(s).


as holder of said mortgage

McCalla Raymer, LLC

Two North Twentieth

2 20th Street North, Suite 1310

Birmingham, AL 35203

(800) 275-7171

File No. 964315

Dec 4, 11 & 18, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage dated October 21, 2009, executed by Jennifer Roberson, an unmarried woman, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for First Federal Bank, which mortgage was recorded on October 22, 2009, in Instrument No. 3322037 and modified by that certain Loan Modification Agreement recorded , in Instrument No. 3400886, of the mortgage records in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, which mortgage was, duly transferred and assigned to Green Tree Servicing LLC, notice is hereby given that pursuant to law and the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the undersigned will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Main entrance to the Etowah County Courthouse at Gadsden, Alabama, during the legal hours of sale on February 9, 2016, the following described real estate, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

Lot Number 16, Block G, according to the Stringer Realty Company’s Resurvey of portions of Edenwood Addition, as recorded in Plat Book C, Page 257, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama.

This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage as well as expenses of foreclosure.

Ditech Financial LLC f/k/a Green Tree Servicing LLC


Robert J. Wermuth/rgd

Stephens Millirons, P.C.

P.O. Box 307

Huntsville, Alabama  35804

Attorney for Mortgagee

Dec 4, 11 & 18, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed on September 10, 2003 by Melissa Amberson, wife and husband as joint tenants, Jason Amberson, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for America’s Wholesale Lender, and recorded in Document # at M-2003-4755 on September 12, 2003, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, and secured indebtedness having been transferred or assigned to Nationstar Mortgage LLC as reflected by instrument recorded in Instrument #, 3310241 and Instrument #, 3395057 of the same Office. Shapiro and Ingle, L.L.P., as counsel for Mortgagee or Transferee and under and by virtue of power of sale contained in the said mortgage will, on January 6, 2016, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder in front of the main entrance of the Etowah County, Alabama, Courthouse in the City of Gadsden, during the legal hours of sale, the following real estate situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to wit:

Commence at the Southeast comer of Lot Number Five (5), in Block Number One (1), of the George A. Fuhrman Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book “D”, Page 105, Probate Office of Etowah County, Alabama, and run North 01 degree 53 minutes 00 seconds West along the East line of said lot, 110.06 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue along said East line North 01 degree 53 minutes 00 seconds West, 100.00 feet to a point; thence leaving said East line run North 88 degrees 27 minutes 36 seconds West, 189.66 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way of Christopher Avenue (40.00 feet R/W); thence run South 01 degree 19 minutes 17 seconds East along said right of way, 100.00 feet to a point; thence leaving said right of way run South 88 degrees 28 minutes 34 seconds East, 190.64 feet to the point of beginning. Said property being a portion of Lot Number Five (5), Block One(1), as recorded in Plat Book “D”, Page 105, Probate Office of Etowah County, Alabama, and being a portion of the South Half (S 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Seventeen (17), Township Thirteen (13) South, Range Six (6) East and contains 0.43 acres (more or less).


For informational purposes only, the property address is: 3835 Christopher Ave, Southside, AL 35907.


This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure.  Furthermore, the property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS, WHERE IS. Neither the mortgagee, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of the mortgagee make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property offered for sale.  Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition, including those suggested by Code of Ala. (1975) § 35-4-271, expressly are disclaimed.  This sale is subject to all prior liens and encumbrances and unpaid taxes and assessments including any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure.  The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($5,000.00) in certified or cash funds at the time and place of the sale.  The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by close of business on the next business day thereafter at the Law Office of Shapiro and Ingle, LLP at the address indicated below.  Shapiro and Ingle, LLP reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder, or to reschedule the sale, should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due.

Nationstar Mortgage LLC, and its successors and assigns

Mortgagee or Transferee


10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400

Charlotte, NC 28216

704-333-8107/ 15-008780

Attorneys for Mortgagee or Transferee

Dec 11, 18 & 25, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed on November 5, 2004 by Alice Rudolph, a single woman, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Federal Guaranty Mortgage Co., and recorded in Instrument # M-2004-4890 on November 9, 2004, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, and secured indebtedness having been transferred or assigned to Bank of America, N.A. as reflected by instrument recorded in Instrument #, 3290015 and Instrument #, 3355851 of the same Office. Shapiro and Ingle, L.L.P., as counsel for Mortgagee or Transferee and under and by virtue of power of sale contained in the said mortgage will, on January 6, 2016, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder in front of the main entrance of the Etowah County, Alabama, Courthouse in the City of Gadsden, during the legal hours of sale, the following real estate situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to wit:

Lot Number Sixty-four (64), in Parcel Three (3), as shown in map or plat of Cone Mills Corporation, Dwight Division, recorded in Plat Book “F”, pages 51-65, in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Etowah County, Alabama, and lying and being Gadsden, formerly Alabama City, Etowah COunty, Alabama.

For informational purposes only, the property address is: 6 Colidge Circle, Gadsden, AL 35904.


This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure.  Furthermore, the property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS, WHERE IS. Neither the mortgagee, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of the mortgagee make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property offered for sale.  Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition, including those suggested by Code of Ala. (1975) § 35-4-271, expressly are disclaimed.  This sale is subject to all prior liens and encumbrances and unpaid taxes and assessments including any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure.  The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($5,000.00) in certified or cash funds at the time and place of the sale.  The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by close of business on the next business day thereafter at the Law Office of Shapiro and Ingle, LLP at the address indicated below.  Shapiro and Ingle, LLP reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder, or to reschedule the sale, should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due.

Bank of America, N.A., and its successors and assigns

Mortgagee or Transferee


10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400

Charlotte, NC 28216

704-333-8107/ 15-008567

Attorneys for Mortgagee or Transferee

Dec 11, 18 & 25, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage dated February 12, 2004, executed by William B. Bishop and Dorothy L. Bishop, husband and wife, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for Amerigroup Mortgage Corporation, a Division of Mortgage Investors Corporation, which mortgage was recorded on February 25, 2004, in Doc. #: M-2004-0730, of the mortgage records in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, which mortgage was, duly transferred and assigned to Ditech Financial LLC, notice is hereby given that pursuant to law and the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the undersigned will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Main entrance to the Etowah County Courthouse at Gadsden, Alabama, during the legal hours of sale on January 20, 2016, the following described real estate, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

All that certain parcel of land situate in the County of Etowah, State of Alabama, being known and designated as Lots 5 and 6 in Block A in the subdivision of the L.M. Nipper Farm, according to the map thereof recorded in Plat Book C, Page 231, Etowah County Records.

This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage as well as expenses of foreclosure.

Ditech Financial LLC


Robert J. Wermuth/rgm

Stephens Millirons, P.C.

P.O. Box 307

Huntsville, Alabama  35804

Attorney for Mortgagee

Dec 11, 18 & 25, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Kenneth N. Muskett and Sherry M. Muskett, husband and wife, to Regions Bank, successor by merger to AmSouth Bank, on the 1st  day of June, 1995, said mortgage being recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, in Record Book 3147, Page 308, modified by instrument recorded as Document MISC- 2003-0366, and subordinated  in agreement recorded as  Document MISC- 1998-1472, in the aforesaid record.

The undersigned Regions Bank successor by merger to AmSouth Bank, as transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Main entrance of the Court House at Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama, on the 7th day of January, 2016, during the legal hours of sale, the following real estate, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

Lot Number  Eight  (8) in Block “B” in Sharp Subdivision, according to the map or plat thereof  recorded in Plat Book “K”, page 15, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of  Etowah County, Alabama, and lying and being in Etowah County, Alabama. 

This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure.



Attorney for Mortgagee    BY MERGER TO AMSOUTH BANK LONGSHORE, BUCK & LONGSHORE, P.C.                          Mortgagee 

The Longshore Building

2009 Second Avenue North

Birmingham, Alabama  35203-3703

Phone: 205-252-7661   

Dec 11, 18 & 25, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage dated March 27, 2003, executed by Tommie Goggans, a married man joined by his spouse, Erika M. Goggans, to Taylor Mortgage, Inc., which mortgage was recorded on April 3, 2003, in Doc. No. M-2003-1602, and modified by that certain Loan Modification Agreement recorded February 2, 2015, in Instrument No. 3413192, of the mortgage records in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, which mortgage was, duly transferred and assigned to Chase Home Finance LLC successor by merger to Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation, notice is hereby given that pursuant to law and the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the undersigned will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Main entrance to the Etowah County Courthouse at Gadsden, Alabama, during the legal hours of sale on January 20, 2016, the following described real estate, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

Lot Six (6), Hidden Meadow First Addition, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Plat Book “K”, Page 74, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama.

This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage as well as expenses of foreclosure.

JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association

Successor by merger to Chase Home Finance LLC

Successor by merger to Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation

TransfereeRobert J. Wermuth/mgw

Stephens Millirons, P.C.

P.O. Box 307

Huntsville, Alabama  35804

Attorney for Mortgagee

Dec 11, 18 & 25, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Jonathan Hallmark a married man and Teresa C Hallmark, to THE PROVIDENT BANK, INC., on October 17, 2002, said mortgage being recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, at Doc #, M-2002-5350; and subsequently transferred to U.S. Bank N.A., as Trustee for the Registered Holders of the Structured Asset Securities Corporation, Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2003-BC2; U.S. Bank N.A., as Trustee for the Registered Holders of the Structured Asset Securities Corporation, Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2003-BC2, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Etowah County Courthouse, in Gadsden, Alabama, on December 29, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, the following described real estate, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

Beginning at a point at the intersection of the South margin of a Public Street and the East margin of a Public Street which is South 02 degrees 23 minutes West 20 feet and South 89 degrees 34 minutes East 20 feet from the NW corner of the SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 5 East, Etowah County, Alabama; thence from the point of beginning along said South margin South 89 degrees 34 minutes East 210 feet to a point; thence leaving said South margin South 02 degrees 23 minutes East 100 feet to a point; thence North 89 degrees 34 minutes West 210 feet to a point on the East margin of a Public Road; thence along said East margin North 02 degrees 23 minutes West 100 feet to the point of beginning.

This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expense of foreclosure.

U.S. Bank N.A., as Trustee for the Registered Holders of the Structured Asset Securities Corporation, Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2003-BC2


Jauregui & Lindsey, LLC

244 Inverness Center Dr

Ste 200

Birmingham, AL 35242


Dec 11, 18 & 25, 2015




Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage dated September 7, 2006, executed by Jason S. McCain, a married man, and wife, Mindy McCain, to ABN AMRO Mortgage Company, Inc., which mortgage was recorded on September 12, 2006, in Instrument No. 3254989, of the mortgage records in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County, Alabama, which mortgage was, duly transferred and assigned to Compass Bank, notice is hereby given that pursuant to law and the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the undersigned will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Main entrance to the Etowah County Courthouse at Gadsden, Alabama, during the legal hours of sale on January 20, 2016, the following described real estate, situated in Etowah County, Alabama, to-wit:

Parcel One: Commence at the Southeast corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 24, T-11-S, R-7-E, marked by and existing 1-1/2 inch rod and run South 89 degrees 10 minutes 33 seconds West along the South line of said forty a distance of 890.60 feet to a point on a line which is 429.00 feet East of and parallel to the West line of said forty; thence run North 03 degrees 23 minutes 37 seconds West along said line a distance of 1047.99 feet to the point of beginning, marked by a 1/2 inch rebar with cap stamped “JBWT CA0046LS” set. From said Point of Beginning continue North 03 degrees 23 minutes 37 seconds West a distance of 242.57 feet to a point on the Southwesterly right-of-way line of Johnson Road (County Road # 1400), marked by a 1/2 inch rebar set; thence run South 52 degrees 26 minutes 20 seconds East along said right-of-way line a distance of 172.27 feet to a 1/2 inch rebar set; thence run South 08 degrees 43 minutes 49 seconds West a distance of 170.84 feet to a 1/2 inch rebar set; thence run North 71 degrees 45 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 101.36 feet to the Point of Beginning.

Said Parcel is a portion of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 24, T-11-S, R-7-E, lying and being in Etowah County, Alabama, and containing 0.56 acre, more or less.

Parcel Two: Commence at the Southeast corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 Section 24, T-11-S, R-7-E, marked by an existing 1-1/2 inch rod and run South 89 degrees 10 minutes 33 seconds West along the South line of said forty a distance of 890.60 feet to a point on a line which is 429.00 feet East of and parallel to the West line of said forty; thence run North 03 degrees 23 minutes 37 seconds West along said line a distance of 1047.99 feet to a 1/2 inch rebar with cap stamped “JBWT CA0046LS” set; thence run South 71 degrees 45 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 101.36 feet to the Point of Beginning, marked by a 1/2 inch rebar set. From said Point of Beginning continue South 71 degrees 45 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 106.07 feet to a point on the Northwesterly right-of-way line of County Road # 1408, marked by a 1/2 inch rebar set; thence run North 40 degrees 29 minutes 33 seconds East along said right-of-way line a distance of 49.90 feet to a 1/2 inch rebar set; thence continue along said right-of-way line North 01 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 64.86 feet to a point on the Southwesterly right-of-way line of Johnson Road (County Road # 1400), marked by a 1/2 inch rebar set; thence run North 47 degrees 31 minutes 47 seconds West along said right-of-way line of Johnson Road a distance of 147.02 feet to a 1/2 inch rebar set; thence run South 08 degrees 43 minutes 49 seconds West a distance of 170.84 feet to the Point of Beginning.

Said Parcel is a portion of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 24, T-11-S, R-7-E, lying and being in Etowah County, Alabama, and containing 0.39 acre, more or less.

This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage as well as expenses of foreclosure.



Robert J. Wermuth/anp

Stephens Millirons, P.C.

P.O. Box 307

Huntsville, Alabama  35804

Attorney for Mortgagee

Dec 11, 18 & 25, 2015




STEPHANIE MILDRED PEARCE appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 03, 2015 Estate of RANDALL ALONZO BOATWRIGHT, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Dec 11, 18 & 25, 2015




CHARLES MICHAEL MCCARTNEY appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 30, 2015 Estate of HELEN MCCARTNEY, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Dec 11, 18 & 25, 2015




NATHAN WADE appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 18, 2015 Estate of RONNIE WAYNE WADE, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Dec 11, 18 & 25, 2015




TOMMY L. WOFFORD appointed Personal Representative (s) on May 18, 2015 Estate of LEE WOFFORD, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Nov 27, Dec 4 & 11, 2015




MARY SYBLE DUKE appointed Personal Representative (s) on October 14, 2015 Estate of PAUL DELANO DUKE, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Nov 27, Dec 4 & 11, 2015




JOSEPH R. MCELROY appointed Personal Representative (s) on October 20, 2015 Estate of CHARLOTTE GILMER, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Nov 27, Dec 4 & 11, 2015




MISTY TALTON HALE appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 2, 2015 Estate of BILLY A. TALTON, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Nov 27, Dec 4 & 11, 2015




SALLIE CARSTARPHEN JONES appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 17, 2015 Estate of JOSEPH CARSTARPHEN, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Nov 27, Dec 4 & 11, 2015




JERRY BRANCE WATSON appointed Personal Representative (s) on October 29, 2015 Estate of DIANA GAIL WATSON, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Nov 27, Dec 4 & 11, 2015




TIM LAVENDER WILLIAMS appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 2, 2015 Estate of BARBARA LAVENDER WILLIAMS, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Nov 27, Dec 4 & 11, 2015




PAMELA DENISE CHAMBLEE SIDES appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 17, 2015 Estate of VONDELL CHAMBLEE, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Nov 27, Dec 4 & 11, 2015




JANICE S. ADAMS AND KARL N. ADAMS appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 6, 2015 Estate of JAMES L. STEPHENS, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Nov 27, Dec 4 & 11, 2015




LENA WILLIS BASWELL, appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 19, 2015 Estate of BETTY FLORENCE BANKSON, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Dec 4, 11 & 18, 2015




JOSEPH ROBERT GARNER, appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 18, 2015 Estate of JOE W. GARNER, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Dec 4, 11 & 18, 2015




AARON DENNIS JOHNSON, JR, appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 12, 2015 Estate of AARON DENNIS JOHNSON, SR, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Dec 4, 11 & 18, 2015




HELEN HYDE ENNIS, appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 24, 2015 Estate of ARTHUR LEE ENNIS, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Dec 4, 11 & 18, 2015




RODNEY L. WARD, appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 19, 2015 Estate of JIMMIE GILBREATH, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Dec 4, 11 & 18, 2015




LYNN B. COLLIER, appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 12, 2015 Estate of JANETTE K. COLLIER, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Dec 4, 11 & 18, 2015




EVELYN MITCHELL, appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 17, 2015 Estate of KEARNIE R. STARNES, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Dec 4, 11 & 18, 2015




JOHNNIE KELLEY, appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 4, 2015 Estate of BESSIE M. COWAN, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Dec 4, 11 & 18, 2015




DONALD HARVEY MADDOX, appointed Personal Representative (s) on September 2, 2015 Estate of DAVID JACKSON MADDOX, JR., deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Dec 4, 11 & 18, 2015




JOSEPH R. MOSLEY, appointed Personal Representative (s) on November 16, 2015 Estate of KHRISTY D. MOSLEY, deceased, Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama notifies all persons that claims not filed within six months will be barred.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Dec 4, 11 & 18, 2015



Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that a structure located at 

2525 EWING AVENUE in District 2 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

For a point of beginning to described the property herein conveyed, start at the Northeast corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25 and proceed Westerly along the North line of said quarter a distance of 209 feet; thence run South 2 degrees 43 minutes East parallel with the East line of said quarter a distance of 893.36 feet to a point on the Southeasterly right-of-way line of the Gadsden-Centre Highway (otherwise known as U.S. Number 411), which said point is the point of beginning of the property herein conveyed, and from said point of beginning run South 2 degrees 43 minutes East a distance of 33.4 feet to a point in the Northwest line of Lot Number 1 of Block “O” of Oakleigh Estates, as shown by the map thereof recorded in Plat Book “C”, Page 55, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama; thence turn an interior angle of 61 degrees 07 minutes and run a bearing of North 58 degrees 48 minutes East along the middle of Old Turkeytown Road a distance of 90 feet; thence run South 62 degrees 55 minutes East along a ditch a distance of 257.36 feet; thence continue along said ditch South 66 degrees 17 minutes East a distance of 295 feet; thence continue along said ditch South 38 degrees 50 minutes East a distance of 231 feet to a point in the South line of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25; thence along said South line North 88 degrees 10 minutes East a distance of 83.3 feet to a point; thence run North 36 degrees 35 minutes West along a line that is perpendicular to the right of way of said Gadsden-Centre Highway a distance of 802.7 feet to a point on the Southeasterly right-of-way line of said Highway; thence deflect to the left 90 degrees 00 minutes and running South 53 degrees 25 minutes  West along the right-of-way line of said Highway; thence deflect to the left 90 degrees 00 minutes and running South 53 degrees 25 minutes West along the right-of-way line and of said Highway a distance of 402.9 feet to the point of beginning, and being a portion of the North Half (N1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) in Section Twenty-five (25), Township Eleven (11) South, Range Six (6) East of Huntsville Meridian in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.

is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and

Whereas, as required by the City Code, notice of a public hearing has been given to Terry L. Hall, 106 Elmer Street, and WinSouth Credit Union, 110 S 26th Street;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the structure constitutes a nuisance in violation of the City Code and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing or repairing said structure and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the City Code. 

Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on December 1, 2015.


Iva Nelson, City Clerk            

Dec 11, 2015



Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that a structure located at 

1108 GRANT AVENUE in District 2 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot Number Twenty-One (21)in Block Number Forty (40) in Garden City Residential Subdivision Number Two (2) according to the map thereof as recorded in Plat Book “C”, Pages 410 and 411, Probate Office, and lying and being in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.

is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and

Whereas, as required by the City Code, notice of a public hearing has been given to State of Alabama, P.O. Box 327210, Montgomery, Terry Helms, 1196 County Road 119, Fort Payne, Buford Wooten, 37 County Road 165, Iuka, MS, and Larhetha M. Boggs, 1506 Sarah Street;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the structure constitutes a nuisance in violation of the City Code and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing or repairing said structure and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the City Code. 

Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on December 1, 2015.


Iva Nelson, City Clerk        

Dec 11, 2015      



Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that a structure located at 

322 HOKE STREET in District 2 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot Number Three (3) in Block One (1) of the Landers Addition Number Four (4) to Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama, as shown by that map recorded in Plat Book “A”, Page 447, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama, and lying and being in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.

is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and

Whereas, as required by the City Code, notice of a public hearing has been given to Paul L. Ridgeway, 60 Brice Drive;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the structure constitutes a nuisance in violation of the City Code and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing or repairing said structure and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the City Code. 

Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on December 1, 2015.


Iva Nelson, City Clerk         

Dec 11, 2015     



Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that a structure located at 

324 HOKE STREET in District 2 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot Number Four (4) in Block One (1) of the Landers Addition Number Four (4) to Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama, as shown by that map recorded in Plat Book “A”, Page 447, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama, and lying and being in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.

is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and

Whereas, as required by the City Code, notice of a public hearing has been given to Paul L. Ridgeway, 60 Brice Drive;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the structure constitutes a nuisance in violation of the City Code and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing or repairing said structure and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the City Code. 

Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on December 1, 2015.


Iva Nelson, City Clerk     

Dec 11, 2015    ______________


Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that a structure located at 

326 HOKE STREET in District 2 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot Number Five (5) in Block One (1) of the Landers Addition Number Four (4) to Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama, as shown by that map recorded in Plat Book “A”, Page 447, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama, and lying and being in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.

is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and

Whereas, as required by the City Code, notice of a public hearing has been given to Paul L. Ridgeway, 60 Brice Drive;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the structure constitutes a nuisance in violation of the City Code and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing or repairing said structure and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the City Code. 

Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on December 1, 2015.


Iva Nelson, City Clerk              

Dec 11, 2015



Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that the property or condition located at 1525 CANSLER AVENUE in District 3 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as: 

Tax ID#: 15-03-05-3-000-046.000

is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and

Whereas, as required by the Code of Ordinances, notice of a public hearing has been given to State of Alabama, P.O. Box 327210, Montgomery;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the property constitutes a nuisance in violation of the Code Ordinances and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing said nuisance and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the Code Ordinances. 


Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on December 1, 2015.                                    


Iva Nelson, City Clerk            

Dec 11, 2015  



Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that a structure located at 

1811 ADAMS STREET in District 5 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

The East One-Half (E1/2) of Lots Number One (1) and Two (2), in Block Number Seventeen (17) in the Gadsden Realty Company’s South Gadsden Addition, according to the map thereof recorded in Plat Book B, Pages 314 and 315, Probate Office, Etowah County, Alabama, and lying and being in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.


is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and

Whereas, as required by the City Code, notice of a public hearing has been given to James Jaynes, 114 Johnson Street, Glencoe;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the structure constitutes a nuisance in violation of the City Code and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing or repairing said structure and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the City Code. 

Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on December 1, 2015.


Iva Nelson, City Clerk    

Dec 11, 2015          



Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that a structure located at 

1606 MCKINLEY AVENUE in District 5 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot Number Seven (7) and the North three feet of Lot Six (6), Block 39 of the South Gadsden Addition according to Plat Book B, Page 314, Probate Office, and lying and being in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama.

is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and

Whereas, as required by the City Code, notice of a public hearing has been given to Haley Layfield, 5112 Shore Drive, Ashville;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the structure constitutes a nuisance in violation of the City Code and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing or repairing said structure and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the City Code. 


Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on December 1, 2015.


Iva Nelson, City Clerk           

Dec 11, 2015   



Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that a structure located at 

2333 FORREST AVENUE in District 6 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as:

Lot Number Seventeen (17) in Block Number Twenty-Five (25) according to the Second Survey of Alford’s addition to Alabama City, as shown by map thereof, recorded in Plat Book “A”, beginning on Page 308, Probate Office, and lying and being in Gadsden (formerly Alabama City), Etowah County, Alabama, together with all improvements thereon.

is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and

Whereas, as required by the City Code, notice of a public hearing has been given to HPW Specialities, Inc., P.O. Box 4416, and Southtrust Bank;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the structure constitutes a nuisance in violation of the City Code and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing or repairing said structure and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the City Code. 

Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on December 1, 2015.


Iva Nelson, City Clerk   

Dec 11, 2015           



Ordering Abatement of Nuisance


Whereas, the Building Official has determined that the property or condition located at 405 VAN COURTLAND STREET in District 6 in the City of Gadsden, more particularly described as: 

Tax ID#: 16-01-01-4-000-249.000


is a nuisance and ordered its abatement; and

Whereas, as required by the Code of Ordinances, notice of a public hearing has been given to Samuel Arnold, 405 Van Courtland Street;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gadsden as follows:

1. The Council finds that the property constitutes a nuisance in violation of the Code Ordinances and should be abated.

2. The Building Official is authorized to abate the nuisance by removing said nuisance and to give notice of this decision in accordance with the Code Ordinances. 

Adopted by the City Council of Gadsden on December 1, 2015.      Iva Nelson, City Clerk     

Dec 11, 2015         




CASE NO.: S-7948


TO: David Chambers, Ty Chambers, and Allison Smalley:


You will please take notice that a Petition for Final Settlement of the Estate of JAMES WILLARD CHAMBERS, was filed in the Probate Court of Etowah County by Petitioners, Brett Chambers and Malinda Chambers, and that the 19th day of January, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. was appointed a day and time for final hearing thereof, at which time you may appear and contest the same, fi you see proper.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Mary K. Simmons

P. O. Box 1344

Gadsden, AL 35902

Nov 27, Dec 4 & 11, 2015






To: Unknown Heirs of Idella Alexander Thornton, deceased, whose addresses are unknown.

You will hereby take notice on this day came Johnny H. Flenoir and produced to the Court a paper in writing purported to be the Last Will and Testament of Idella Alexander Thornton, deceased, and moves the Court to admit said will to Probate and record in this Court. You are hereby notified to be and appear before me, at my office in the Courthouse of Etowah County on the 5th day of January, 2016 at 11:30 a.m. when the Petition for Probate of the Last Will and Testament of Idella Alexander Thornton, deceased, will be considered and to show cause, if any you have, why that the purported Last Will and Testament of the decedent should not be admitted to Probate and record as the true Last Will and Testament of the decedent, Idella Alexander Thornton.

This the 18th day of November, 2015.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Nov 27, Dec 4 & 11, 2015





You will please take notice that a Petition for Termination of Parental Rights of the mother, Sherald Nichole Fisher, and James Frank Fisher, was filed by the Department of Human Resources in the District Court of Etowah County, Alabama. A hearing will be held on the 3rd day of February, 2016, at 1:30 pm., on the Petitioner’s Petition to Terminate Parental Rights. Minor child’s birth date is May 31, 2012.

The parents, whose whereabouts and address are unknown, must answer Petitioner’s Petition to Terminate Parental Rights within 14 days of the last date of this publication notice, or, thereafter, a judgment by default may be rendered against him in Case Number JU-14-326.02 in the Juvenile Court of Etowah county, Alabama.

Done this 17th day of November, 2015.

Will Clay

Juvenile Judge

Dec 4, 11, 18 & 25, 2015 






A-486; A-487

You will take notice that a Petition for the Adoption of a child born to Gloria Mendez (Natural Mother), and Juan Ruiz (Natural Father) set to be heard on January 20, 2016 at 10:00 a.m., was filed on the 21st day of October, 2011, alleging that the whereabouts of the natural parents of said minor children are unknown and has not been disclosed to the court. The minor children’s birth dates are 3-9-08 and 3-2-06.

Please be advised that should you intend to contest this adoption, you must file a written response within thirty (30) days of the date of the last publication herein with Clark Hall whose name and address is shown below, and with the Clerk of the Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama, Courthouse, 800 Forrest Avenue, Gadsden, Al 35901.

DONE this the 16th day of November, 2015.

Clark Hall, Esq.

750 Forrest Avenue

Gadsden, AL 35901

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Nov 20, 27, Dec 4 & 11, 2015





CASE NO: A-963

You will take  notice that a Petition for the Adoption of a minor child born unto ERIKA RENEE WILLINGHAM, natural mother, set to be heard on January 20, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. filed on the 3rd day of November, 2015, alleging that the whereabouts of the natural father, Unknown, is unknown. Minor child’s birth date is: 9-18-2012.

Please be advised that should you intend to contest this adoption, you must file a written response within thirty (30) days of the date of the last publication herein, with Tammy W. Parris, whose name and address is shown below and with the Clerk of the Probate Court of Etowah County, Alabama, P. O. Box 187, Gadsden, AL 35902.

Tammy Watkins Parris, Esq.

945 Chestnut Street

Gadsden, AL 35901

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Nov 27, Dec 4, 11 & 18, 2015





CASE NO.: S-8718


TO: Betty Faulkner, Clinton Franklin Boyd, Karen Sue Boyd, Sherri Jean Brokaw, Robert Wayne Boyd, and Linda Dianne Danna

You will hereby take notice that on this day came Josephine O’Dell and produced to the Court a paper in writing purporting to be a copy of the Last Will and Testament of Lura Perkins Magbee, deceased, and petitions the Court to admit the said Will to probate and record as the Last Will and Testament of the said deceased.

You are notified to be and appear before me, at my office in the Etowah County Courthouse located at 801 Forrest Avenue, Gadsden, Alabama at 2:30 o’clock p.m., on the 17th day of December, 2015, when the petition will be considered, and show, if anything you have to allege, why said paper in writing should not be admitted to probate and record, as the true Last Will and Testament of said decedent.

Ordered on this the 13th day of November, 2015.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Nov 27, Dec 4 & 11, 2015






Case No. A955

TO: Natural Father, whereabouts unknown

Take notice that a Petition for the Adoption of a child born Payton Tansley Washburn Walker (Natural Mother), has been filed by Ricky Roberts and Debbie Roberts, set to be heard on the 16th day of December, 2015, at 10:30 o’clock a.m. at the Etowah County Courthouse in Gadsden, Alabama. Minor child’s birth date is October 10, 2012.

Please be advised that if you intended to contest this adoption, you must file a written response within thirty (30) days of the date of the last publication herein with counsel for said Petitioner, whose name and addresses are shown below and with the Clerk of said Probate Court.

Done this 27th day of October, 2015.

Bobby M. Junkins

Judge of Probate

Shannon L. Millican

Attorney for Petitioners

827 Chestnut Street

Gadsden, Al 35901


Nov 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2015





Notice is hereby given that on January 11, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. the undersigned will proceed to sell the following vehicles for towing and storage fees:

1991 Ford Ranger Truck VIN# 1FTCR1 4X1MPA 34235

2003 Nissan Maxima VIN# JN1DA 31A0 3T438059

2004 Toyota Tacoma Truck VIN# 5TEGN9 2N44Z3 15046

Jimmy Easterwood

1727 Forrest Avenue

Gadsden, AL 35901

Dec 4 & 11, 2015


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